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HORTUS  1 (Spring 1987)  out of print

Out of print now a highly prized and valuable collector's item fetching large sums of money. Sylvia Crowe on William Robinson at Gravetye Beth Chatto on Cedric Morris Penelope Hobhouse Phyllis Reiss at Tintinhull Pamela Schwerdt on maintaining Sissinghurst Mavis Batey History in Gardens Christopher Grey Wilson Curtis's Botanical Magazine, 1787 1987 John Brookes garden design now Stephen Lacey gardening with scent Will Ingwersen American plants in British gardens (Part I of 2) Photographs by Hugh Palmer from Penelope Hobhouse s book Private Gardens of England Anthony Huxley on taxonomy Rosemary Verey on gardens in Charleston, USA Carole Ottesen on Oehme and van Sweden Nancy Mary Goodall Chinese gardens Ronald Blythe An Essayist in the Garden John Francis Gardens in Fiction Benson s Mapp and Lucia novels. Book reviews by Jane Brown, Patrick Goode, Anthony Huxley, Will Tjaden, Arthur Hellyer, Celia Haddon, Gerda Barlow, Anthony du Gard Pasley, L.J.Fricker, Jos_ Manser, Victoria Matthews and Nancy Mary Goodall.

HORTUS  2 (Summer 1987)

HORTUS 2 (Summer 1987)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Stephen Lacey green flowers John Coke on cistuses Will Ingwersen American plants in British gardens (Part II of 2) Hazel Le Rougetel new roses in Victorian times Lionel Bacon alpine and rock plants Michael Lancaster Roberto Burle Marx Anthony Huxley against collecting of plants in the wild Stephen Haw memories of the plant hunters David Sayers gardens and flora of the Azores Kay Sanecki on the Countess of Warwick Alvilde Lees Milne Lawrence Johnston at Hidcote Arthur Hellyer the garden at Coleton Fishacre John Francis Cranborne Manor, Dorset Janet Poor The Chicago Botanic Garden Nancy Mary Goodall Gardens in Fiction _ Henry James and The Aspern Papers. Book reviews by Penelope Hobhouse, Stephen Lacey, Patrick Goode, Jane Brown, Richard Mabey, John Negus, Graham Rice and Victoria Matthews.

HORTUS  3 (Autumn 1987)  out of print

Allen Patterson history of herb gardens Stephen Haw gentians Stephen Lacey black and brown flowers Arthur Hellyer plants for a frost free conservatory Melvyn Jope clivias David McClintock heathers in the garden, in history Nigel Colborn on two gardens in Rutland John Codrington s and his own at Careby Manor Penelope Hobhouse gardens of the Villa La Foce, Italy Mirabel Osler a plea for chaos in the garden Stephen Haw on his new garden in the Cotswolds (part one of five) Jane Brown on Hampshire gardens Audrey Le Livre flowering bulbs on naval ships Nancy Mary Goodall literary arbours John Francis Gardens in Fiction _ Firbank. Book reviews by Victoria Matthews, Anthony Huxley, Anna Pavord, Rosemary Verey, John Brookes and Jane Brown. Also two letters about the house and garden in Rye where both Henry James and E.F.Benson had

HORTUS  4 (Winter 1987)

HORTUS 4 (Winter 1987)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Reports after The Great Storm Stephen Haw garden plants from China Kerry Carman Christmas in a New Zealand garden William Tait alpines in a Scottish winter Kay Sanecki the Countess of Warwick at Ashridge Sylvia Crowe LondonÍs Holland Park gardens Nigel Colborn a profile of Lady Anne Palmer, creator of Rosemoor, in Devon Robert Dash American gardening with an English accent Arthur Hellyer winter flowers Jane Brown, Stephen Lacey and John Francis imagine their ideal Christmas stockings Will Ingwersen gardening for and by children Denis Wood trees in pots Hermia Oliver Gardens in Fiction _ Flaubert. Book reviews by John Negus, Stephen Lacey and Stephen Haw.

HORTUS  5 (Spring 1988)

HORTUS 5 (Spring 1988)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Audrey Le Livre Maximilian Leichtlin, plantsman of Baden Alvilde Lees Milne Ninfa, a garden in Italy John Hubbard drawing at the Alhambra Raleigh Trevelyan the Alhambra gardens Beth Chatto Mrs Desmond Underwood and silver foliage plants Nigel Colborn Doddington Hall garden Stephen Haw on his new garden in the Cotswolds (part two of five) Abbie Zabar Allen HaskellÍs nursery in Massachusetts Hedvika Fraser on orchids Mirabel Osler Why Garden? Hermia Oliver Gardens in Fiction _ Jane Austen. Index to issues 1 4. Book reviews by Ronald Blythe, Penelope Hobhouse, Stephen Haw, Anthony Huxley, Stephen Lacey, Nancy Mary Goodall and Mirabel Osler.

HORTUS  6 (Summer 1988)

HORTUS 6 (Summer 1988)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Nigel Colborn a profile of Graham Stuart Thomas Kay Sanecki on the NCCPG Stephen Haw day lilies May Woods greenhouses 1800 1835 John Negus terracotta from Farnham Pottery, Surrey Hazel Le Rougetel rugosa roses Paul Miles Painswick Rococo Garden in Gloucestershire Melvyn Jope autumn flowering cyclamen John Francis the troubled life of Beverley Nichols Hedvika Fraser orchids in captivity Graham Rice the miracle of seed Nancy Mary Goodall Gardens in Fiction _ Milton and Paradise Lost. Book reviews by Ursula Buchan, Mac Griswold, Audrey Le Livre, Nancy Mary Goodall and John Negus.

HORTUS  7 (Autumn 1988)

HORTUS 7 (Autumn 1988)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Stephen Lacey a call to bring back English garden traditions Nigel Colborn AberdeenÍs public gardens Cavan OÍBrien John Fowler as garden designer Hermia Oliver the first pineapple grown in England Gillian Mawrey the garden at Fontevraud Abbey in France David McClintock coloured foliage heathers David Sayers some gardens of Indian hill stations Audrey Le Livre gardening in Guernsey Shirley Heriz Smith plant collecting in the East Stephen Haw on his new garden in the Cotswolds (part three of five) Mirabel Osler growing tulips in orchard grass John Francis Gardens in Fiction _ Elizabeth Bowen. Book reviews by Mirabel Osler, John Negus, Christopher Grey Wilson and Nigel Colborn.

HORTUS  8 (Winter 1988)

HORTUS 8 (Winter 1988)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Rosemary Verey on the making of her garden at Barnsley House (part one of four) David Sayers nineteenth century plant hunting with Dr Thomas Thomson Anna Pavord Powis Castle gardens in Wales David Suff an English artist in California Robert Smaus Christmas in a southern California garden Nigel Colborn a profile of English plantswoman Valerie Finnis Nancy Mary Goodall gardens in childrenÍs books further reports after The Great Storm Hermia Oliver Gardens in Fiction _ M. R. James. Book reviews by Alan Mitchell, Jane Brown, John Brookes, Sarah Coles, Stephen Lacey, Nancy Mary Goodall, Audrey Le Livre and Mirabel Osler.

HORTUS  9 (Spring 1989)

HORTUS 9 (Spring 1989)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Rosemary Verey on the making of her garden at Barnsley House (part two of four) Beth Chatto and Brian Mathew plants to grow for drying and indoor decoration James Roose Evans on the Festival of the Garden in Bleddfa, Wales Jane Brown The Brotherhood of Ruralists and their gardens Nigel Colborn in conversation with wild flower champion, Miriam Rothschild Stephen Haw jasmines Mirabel Osler Stone House Cottage garden and the Arbuthnotts nursery Ronald Blythe An Essayist in the Garden Nigel Colborn an amusing look at garden visitors (and owners) Audrey Le Livre the Jerusalem Botanic Garden Stephen Haw on his new garden in the Cotswolds (part four of five) John Francis Gardens in Fiction _ Alice Thomas Ellis. Book review by Dawn MacLeod. Index to issues 5 8.

HORTUS  10 (Summer 1989)

HORTUS 10 (Summer 1989)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Rosemary Verey on the making of her garden at Barnsley House (part three of four) Hedvika Fraser gardens beyond the Iron Curtain David Wheeler notes on six Welsh Border gardens Hazel Le Rougetel species roses Jenny Robinson on her own Suffolk garden Mirabel Osler back gardens Jane Taylor plants that look like other plants Maureen Thom memsahibs and their gardens in India Stephen Haw late summer in the mixed border Ronald Blythe An Essayist in the Garden Dawn MacLeod dreaming of gardens Stephen Lacey s Snippets Simon Goodenough Ventnor Botanic Garden on the Isle of Wight Graham Burgess designing a maze for the Chelsea Flower Show. Book reviews by Victoria Matthews, Mirabel Osler, Graham Stuart Thomas, Gillian Mawrey and Will Ingwersen.

HORTUS  11 (Autumn 1989)

HORTUS 11 (Autumn 1989)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Stephen Lacey s Snippets Rosemary Verey on the making of her garden at Barnsley House (part four of four) Nigel Colborn a profile of alpine plant nurseryman Will Ingwersen Jane Taylor plants that smell of other things Dawn MacLeod the garden at Inverewe in Scotland Nigel Holman magnolias and Chyverton Ethne Clarke Rous Lench Court, Worcestershire, and its garden Hermia Oliver MalmaisonÍs English links Stephen Haw on his new garden in the Cotswolds (part five of five) Hedvika Fraser flowers of the Nepal terai Mirabel Osler asks, ïwas there once innocence in the garden?Í John Francis horticultural (and other!) life in public parks Ronald Blythe An Essayist in the Garden Deborah Kellaway Gardens in Fiction _ Virginia Woolf. Book reviews by Stephen Lacey, Stephen Haw, Liz Robinson, Jane Brown, Gillian Mawrey, Nancy Mary Goodall and John Francis.

HORTUS  12  (Winter 1989)

HORTUS 12 (Winter 1989)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Stephen Lacey s Snippets Audrey Le Livre violas and violets in gardens, in the wild and in history Nigel Holman more magnolias Barbara Segall history and cultivation of ivy and holly Dawn MacLeod Ian Hamilton Finlay and his garden at Little Sparta in Lanarkshire, Scotland Charlotte Osborne on her garden in Shropshire Patrick Taylor European gardens Alastair Martin gardens in the rain Charles Quest Ritson the gardens at Monserrate in Portugal Richard Mabey British endemic plants Mirabel Osler gardens of Mogul India Umberto Quattrocchi Christmas in a Sicilian garden John Francis Gardens in Fiction _ Guiseppi di Lampedusa Jo Dunn plant hunting in the British countryside Ronald Blythe An Essayist in the Garden. Book reviews by Stephen Haw, Liz Robinson and Audrey Le Livre.

HORTUS  13 (Spring 1990)  out of print

Out of print Stephen Lacey s Snippets Audrey Le Livre tulips in literature and in history Beth Chatto finding plants in the wild Nancy Mary Goodall Painshill Park Jane Brown Rodmarton Manor Sylvia Crowe on caring for the English landscape Dawn MacLeod revisits Ian Hamilton Finlay s garden at Stonypath, in Lanarkshire Jim Gould Florists Copper Kettles Shirley Heriz Smith plants in India Mirabel Osler An Essayist in the Garden John Francis Gardens in Fiction _ Barbara Pym Peter Parker Pondersƒ(young London writer begins new series that scrutinises gardening attitudes and styles of today). Book reviews by Janet Boulton, Hermia Oliver, Liz Robinson, Dawn MacLeod and Jane Brown. Index to issues 9 12.

HORTUS  14 (Summer 1990)

HORTUS 14 (Summer 1990)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Liz Robinson s Snippets Gillian Mawrey the garden at Glyndebourne opera house in Sussex Elizabeth Forbes gardens in opera Patrice Todisco Celia Thaxter and Sarah Orne Jewitt and gardening in NewEngland Andrew Lawson a photographer looks at art in gardens Mary Keen gardening and its allusions to literature Prudence Smith remembered gardens Stephen Haw anemones Ruth Clausen and Nicolas Ekstrom American perennials Dawn MacLeod dye plants Jim Gould Parkinson and his herbal remedies William Wilkins on founding the Welsh Historic Gardens Trust Joan Percy Lady Luxborough and her ferme orn_e Mirabel Osler An Essayist in the Garden Hermia Oliver Gardens in Fiction _ Colette Peter Parker Pondersƒ Book reviews by Alastair Martin, William Stern, E.J.Willson, Gillian Mawrey and Nigel Holman.

HORTUS  15 (Autumn 1990)  out of print

Out of print Stephen Lacey s Snippets Dawn MacLeod the National Trusts in Britain Alex and Helena Ramsay making their garden at Bryncalled (part one) Celia Fisher Shakespeare s weeds Tom Garnett Alister Clark, Australian plant breeder James Rylands garden ornaments Jo Dunn pollard willows David Sayers Madeira s plants and gardens Eleanora Phillips on her island garden, off the south coast of Ireland John Kelly plant hardiness and boundaries Sally Phipps on her mother Molly Keane and gardening Diana Petre Gardens in Fiction Molly Keane's M.J.Farrell novels John Francis Gardens in Fiction Molly Keane's later novels Mirabel Osler An Essayist in the Garden Peter Parker Ponders Obituaries Jean Player on Sally, Duchess of Westminster, and David Wheeler on Will Ingwersen. Book reviews by Denise Otis, Penelope Mortimer and Liz Robinson.

HORTUS  16 (Winter 1990)  out of print

Out of print Stephen Lacey s Snippets Audrey Holland Hibbert on her gardening life Jim Gould pest treatments in history Janet Boulton ideal garden design Jane Taylor plant nomenclature Dawn MacLeod the garden at Cluny, in Perthshire Hedvika Fraser Benedict Roezl, plant hunter Trevor Nottle Christmas in an Australian garden John Francis pot plants as presents Eileen Stamers Smith Gardens in Fiction _ Dickens Mirabel Osler An Essayist in the Garden Peter Parker Pondersƒ Book reviews by Robin Whalley, Liz Robinson, Dawn MacLeod and David Dalloway.

HORTUS  17 (Spring 1991)

HORTUS 17 (Spring 1991)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Stephen Lacey s Snippets Audrey Le Livre a major look at primulas in history, in the wild and in the garden William Tait the Edinburgh Botanic Garden in spring William Ellis Rees Narcissus in mythology Alex and Helena Ramsay making their garden at Bryncalled (part two) Gillian Mawrey the formal gardens of Villandry, and their makers Judith Tankard William Robinson and his book The English Flower Garden Sally Festing Gertrude JekyllÍs garden notebooks Shirley Heriz Smith Thomas Mason at The Gums (New Zealand) John Francis An Essayist in the Garden Hermia Oliver Gardens in Fiction _ Rosamund Lehmann Peter Parker Ponders Book reviews by Liz Robinson, Dawn MacLeod and Peter Watts. Index to issues 13 - 16.

HORTUS  18 (Summer 1991)

HORTUS 18 (Summer 1991)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Liz Robinson s Snippets Nancy Mary Goodall Henry Cocker and his fellow Kew trained gardening friends in Italy Jill Parker peonies James Compton salvias David Wheeler an interview with wood engraver, Hilary Paynter William Tait the Edinburgh Botanic Garden in summer Ruth Duthie cottagerÍs fruit John Kelly seeds and how they grow John Akeroyd autumn flowering bulbs Richard Dadd researching the discoverer of Allium macleanii Dawn MacLeod the garden at Brodick Castle, Scotland Audrey Le Livre a mystery at Alleron (a Devonshire garden and its circular walled garden) John Francis An Essayist in the Garden Celia Fisher Gardens in Fiction _ Chaucer Peter Parker Pondersƒ Book reviews by Liz Robinson, Peter Parker, Gillian Mawrey and David Wheeler.

HORTUS  19 (Autumn 1991)  out of print

Out of print A largely American issue Tom Fischer s Snippets Gillian Lindsay Clare Leighton, gardener and artist, in England and in America William Tait the Edinburgh Botanic Garden in autumn Robin Karson late nineteenth century American gardens John Kelly climate zones May Brawley Hill Anna Warner and her book Gardening by Myself Robert Dash colour and the garden Lynden Miller Louise Beebe Wilder and her garden at Balderbrae as it is now Ruth Clausen and Nicolas Ekstrom The New York Botanical Garden s centenary Mitchell Owens Louis Comfort Tiffany and the gardens at Laurelton Hall Ngaere Macray a self portrait by the founder of Sagapress George Waters letter from California Denise Otis The Great American Lawn John Francis An Essayist in the Garden Marie Ingram Edith Wharton (part one of three) Peter Parker Pondersƒ Book reviews by Liz Robinson, Jane Brown and Mirabel Osler.

HORTUS  20 (Winter 1991)

HORTUS 20 (Winter 1991)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Liz Robinson s Snippets Judith Tankard Gertrude Jekyll before Munstead Wood Dawn MacLeod Arbigland, a garden in Scotland William Tait the Edinburgh Botanic Garden in winter Jane Taylor the naming of plants for people Elizabeth Seager the life and books of Karel Capek Alex and Helena Ramsay making their garden at Bryncalled (part three) Marie Ingram Edith Wharton (part two of three) Audrey Le Livre the garden of the Church of St Anne, Kew Andrew Cowin Schwetzingen Castle garden Daphne Everett Erica arborea and briar pipes Helen Dyer a London garden Joyce Crossley box plants Gillian Mawrey spoof gardening diary, ïThe Provincial Lady in FranceÍ John Francis An Essayist in the Garden Peter Parker Pondersƒ Rosemary Verey obituary of Mary Biddulph of Rodmarton Manor. Book reviews by Robin Whalley and Mirabel Osler.

HORTUS  21 (Spring 1992)

HORTUS 21 (Spring 1992)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Ronald Whitehouse why ivy becomes arboraceous Dawn MacLeod Crarae garden in Scotland William Ellis Rees mythology in the garden John Duke tulip fields in South Lincolnshire Tony Schilling his own plant hunting adventures on Annapurna Graham Rose Dr Degrais, a gardener in France Jean Holden an urban fishpond Audrey Le Livre a letter from Zimbabwe Shirley Heriz Smith a nineteenth century botanical excursion to Mount Fuji John Kelly gardening myths and commandments Jim Gould garden thefts Marie Ingram Edith Wharton (part three of three) Nancy Mary Goodall An Essayist in the Garden Peter Parker Pondersƒ Book reviews by Liz Robinson and Dawn MacLeod. Index to issues 17 - 20.

HORTUS  22 (Summer 1992)

HORTUS 22 (Summer 1992)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Liz Robinson s Snippets Audrey Le Livre poppies in history, in the wild and in the garden Graham Stuart Thomas Tea Noisette roses Jim Gould old fashioned laced pinks Robert Dash profile of Wave Hill public garden, New York Miriam Macgregor, wood engraver Barbara Stebbins the garden of the American ambassador at Kathmandu Jo Dunn botanising in the English countryside James Driver sundials Brian Bixley Gardens in Fiction _ A.S. ByattÍs novel ÍPossessionÍ Nancy Mary Goodall An Essayist in the Garden Peter Parker Pondersƒ Book reviews by Roy Strong, Victoria Schilling, Liz Robinson, David Wheeler and Marie Ingram.

HORTUS  23 (Autumn 1992)

HORTUS 23 (Autumn 1992)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Wayne Winterrowd s Snippets Roy Strong on making his own garden, The Laskett, in Herefordshire Derek Fraser Jenkins a plantsman in south Wales with a liking for the rare and uncommon John Kelly ïtasteÍ in the garden Mirabel Osler a control freak in the garden John Treasure Clematis texensis and its forms Derek Toms letter from Attica Dawn MacLeod Thomas Hanmer and his seventeenth century garden in Wales Celia Fisher some reflections on Chinese gardens Nancy Mary Goodall An Essayist in the Garden Peter Parker Gardens in Fiction _ Angus Wilson obituary of Marguerite Carvallo by Gillian Mawrey. Book reviews by Dawn MacLeod, Jinty and Hugo Latymer, Gillian Mawrey, Robin Whalley, Deborah Kellaway, David Wheeler, Ronald Whitehouse, Bill Malecki and Liz Robinson.

HORTUS  24 (Winter 1992)

HORTUS 24 (Winter 1992)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Liz Robinson s Snippets Graham Stuart Thomas A.T. Johnson's garden in North Wales Andrew MacHugh camellias Elizabeth Seager gardening in churchyards Jim Gould Royal Charlie, king of the florists Andrew Cowin the Palatinus in Germany, Eighth wonder of the world David Sayers gardens and plants in Costa Rica Alex and Helena Ramsay making their garden at Bryncalled (part four) Deborah Kellaway Tom GarnettÍs garden, St Erth, in Australia Philippa Rakusen an introduction to a series of four articles on Harlow Carr and Ling Beeches (two Yorkshire gardens on an acid soil) Nancy Mary Goodall An Essayist in the Garden Peter Parker Pondersƒ Charles Quest Ritson Gardens in Fiction _ Alfred AustinÍs novels. Book reviews by David Wheeler.

HORTUS  25 (Spring 1993)

HORTUS 25 (Spring 1993)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Liz Robinson s Snippets Deborah Kellaway the garden at Garsington Manor, Oxfordshire Peter Chappell on Spinners, his specialist garden and nursery of woody plants in the New Forest A.T. Johnson spring comes to Anglesey Philippa Rakusen Harlow Carr and Ling Beeches in spring Jane Sterndale Bennett her Hampshire garden on chalk in spring Jim Gould ïAuriculas, Cigarette Cards and NostalgiaÍ Marie Ingram Theodore Payne _ part one of a major survey of an English horticulturist in California Audrey Le Livre Greenway, a Devonshire garden, former home of Agatha Christie Shirley Heriz Smith letter from Kenya Timothy Ribbesford An Essayist in the Garden Peter Parker Pondersƒ Book reviews by Katherine Swift and Lance Hattatt. Index to issues 21 - 24.

HORTUS  26 (Summer 1993)

HORTUS 26 (Summer 1993)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Issue largely devoted to roses _ wide ranging and important articles by Graham Stuart Thomas and Jane Taylor (England), Junyu Chen (China), M. S. Viraraghavan (India), William Grant (California), Odile Masquelier and Louisa Jones (France), Michael Hayward (Saudi Arabia) Anna McKane Joseph Pemberton and roses. Also Liz Robinson s Snippets David Wheeler interview with garden artist, Yvonne Skargon A. T. Johnson The Meaning of Gardens Jane Sterndale Bennett her Hampshire garden on chalk in summer Philippa Rakusen Harlow Carr and Ling Beeches in summer Timothy Ribbesford Essayist in the Garden Peter Parker Pondersƒ Book reviews by John Akeroyd, Michael Jefferson Brown, Liz Robinson and Dawn MacLeod.

HORTUS  27 (Autumn 1993)

HORTUS 27 (Autumn 1993)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Gillian Mawrey s Snippets John Kelly a quirky commentary on the state of garden design today Judith Tankard ïWilliam Robinson and the Art of the BookÍ Dawn MacLeod re reading Gertrude Jekyll Andrew MacHugh The Croft and the Old Parsonage, two gardens near Manchester Roger Hudson ïGardens and the Grand TourÍ Marie Ingram Theodore Payne _ part two of a major survey of an English horticulturist in California Sheila Cosgrove Ryoan ji, a Zen garden in Japan Philippa Rakusen Harlow Carr and Ling Beeches in autumn Jane Sterndale Bennett her Hampshire garden on chalk in autumn Barbara Abbs the suburban gardener Hazel Le Rougetel the artistry of court florist, R. F. Felton (1862 1947) Jim Gould on seeing colour in the garden after a cataract operation A.T.Johnson on ground cover Timothy Ribbesford An Essayist in the Garden Peter Parker Ponders... Book reviews by Ronald Blythe, Gillian Mawrey, Dawn MacLeod and Liz Robinson.

HORTUS  28 (Winter 1993)

HORTUS 28 (Winter 1993)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Liz Robinson s Snippets Audrey Le Livre Saxe Coburg and Gotha, an unexpected glance at a Ducal Seat Tom Garnett botanist Ferdinand von Mueller in Australia Catherine Umphrey ÍcontroversialÍ gardening with Walter and Marjorie Fish Sheila Cosgrove Japanese tea gardens A.T.Johnson on soft wooded shrubs Victoria Schilling in search of record trees Patricia Cleveland Peck le Jardin Shakespeare, a public garden in Paris Marie Ingram Theodore Payne _ part three of a major survey of an English horticulturist in California Philippa Rakusen Harlow Carr and Ling Beeches in winter Jane Sterndale Bennett her Hampshire garden on chalk in winter Derek Toms some thoughts on the end of horticulture Timothy Ribbesford An Essayist in the Garden Peter Parker Ponders... Book reviews by John Akeroyd, Martyn Chalk, Liz Robinson and Katherine Swift.

HORTUS  29 (Spring 1994)

HORTUS 29 (Spring 1994)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Gillian Mawrey s Snippets Indispensable Plants by Andrew Lawson, Bill Malecki, Carol Klein, Esther Merton and Jane Taylor Audrey Le Livre irises in history, in the wild and in the garden Kathleen Sayer Kellie CastleÍs garden in Scotland in spring Timothy Walker the University of Oxford Botanic Garden in spring John Sendy his garden in Australia John Akeroyd the flowering of Gibraltar Graham Stuart Thomas garden artefacts Mavis Batey the Garden History Society Dawn MacLeod An Essayist in the Garden Celia Fisher Gardens in Fiction _ Ellis Peters and the Brother Cadfael novels Peter Parker Pondersƒ Book reviews by Robin Whalley, Shirley Heriz Smith and Peter Parker. Index to issues 25 28.

HORTUS  30 (Summer 1994)

HORTUS 30 (Summer 1994)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Liz Robinson s Snippets John Kelly ïSave a Green Piece for MeÍ _ the peat debate George Gessert plants with double flowers Shirley Heriz Smith How Caple (Herefordshire) and its garden Kathleen Sayer Kellie CastleÍs garden in Scotland in summer Timothy Walker the University of Oxford Botanic Garden in summer Judith Tankard gardening through the pages of Country Life magazine Jane Allsopp the remarkable story of stumbling on Sissinghurst David Wheeler interview with garden artist Betty Pennell Dawn MacLeod An Essayist in the Garden Peter Parker Gardens in Fiction _ Beatrix Potter.

HORTUS  31 (Autumn 1994)

HORTUS 31 (Autumn 1994)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Gillian Mawrey s Snippets Indispensable Plants by Jane Taylor, Nick Campbell, Liz Robinson and Bill Malecki Jonathan Bell willows Diana Ross about her own London garden Derek Toms Sparoza, a garden in Greece Sheila Cosgrove Chinese influence on Japanese garden design Andrew MacHugh Anne Pratt, an English florist (1806 1893) Roger Turner the mystery of the Irish spurge Marie Ingram the life of Lester Rowntree (1879 1979) in California (part one of three) Timothy Walker the University of Oxford Botanic Garden in autumn Kathleen Sayer Kellie CastleÍs garden in Scotland in autumn Mirabel Osler an affectionate memoir of Nancy Lancaster Dawn MacLeod An Essayist in the Garden John Francis Gardens in Fiction _ Nancy Mitford Peter Parker Pondersƒ Book reviews by Katherine Swift and Patricia Cleveland Peck.

HORTUS  32 (Winter 1994)

HORTUS 32 (Winter 1994)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Liz Robinson s Snippets Indispensable Plants by Jane Taylor and Bill Malecki Jonathan Bell poplars Diana Ross a garden tour of Dorset Elizabeth Vincent making an English desert bloom (a Berkshire garden) Kathleen Sayer Kellie CastleÍs garden in Scotland in winter Timothy Walker the University of Oxford Botanic Garden in winter John Hall an expatriate s garden in central Italy Kay Sanecki gardening ladies in Victorian and Edwardian England Jim Gould birds in the garden in winter Alex and Helena Ramsay making their garden at Bryncalled (part five) Marie Ingram the life of Lester Rowntree (1879 1979) in California (part two of three) Dawn MacLeod An Essayist in the Garden John Francis Gardens in Fiction _ Jane Gardam Peter Parker Pondersƒ Book reviews by Nigel Holman, James Harris and Celia Fisher.

HORTUS  33 (Spring 1995)

HORTUS 33 (Spring 1995)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Gillian Mawrey s Snippets Indispensable Plants by Anne Chambers and Liz Robinson Celia Fisher her London garden in spring Joan Loraine her Somerset woodland garden, Greencombe, in spring Roger Turner Euphorbia broteroi, a new spurge from Spain and Portugal Celia Fisher in a Gloucestershire garden, a centennial celebration of Canon EllacombeÍs book Audrey Le Livre some gardens of the South African Cape Marie Ingram the life of Lester Rowntree (1879 1979) in California (part three of three) Derek Toms An Essayist in the Garden John Sendy the jobbing gardener as fiction writer _ about Australian novelist John Morrison Peter Parker Pondersƒ Book review by Marie Ingram. Index to issues 29 32.

HORTUS  34 (Summer 1995)

HORTUS 34 (Summer 1995)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Liz Robinson s Snippets John Kelly an off beat and amusing look at garden openings Celia Fisher her London garden in summer Joan Loraine her Somerset woodland garden, Greencombe, in summer Hugh Richards the history of the ïMrs SinkinsÍ dianthus Jane Allsopp some Shropshire horticultural shows Martin Wood the Duke and Duchess of WindsorÍs gardens in France Paula Deitz a centennial celebration of the Botanical Garden of Smith College, Massachusetts Odile Masquelier Victor Lemoine 1823 1911, eminent French nurseryman Catharine Reynolds Vaux le Vicomte, the garden as theatre Derek Toms An Essayist in the Garden Peter Parker Ponders ƒ Book reviews by Mirabel Osler, Katherine Swift and Diana Ross.

HORTUS  35 (Autumn 1995)

HORTUS 35 (Autumn 1995)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Gillian Mawrey s Snippets Indispensable Plants by Thomas Fischer, Angela Holmes, Derek Fraser Jenkins, Pam Lewis and Tim Longville Anthony Lambert ShakespeareÍs gardens Audrey Le Livre Avenue Cottage (Devon) and its garden Celia Fisher her London garden in autumn Joan Loraine her Somerset woodland garden, Greencombe, in autumn Robin Spencer the making of York Gate garden (part one of four) Derek Toms An Essayist in the Garden Peter Parker Pondersƒ Book review by Liz Robinson.

HORTUS  36 (Winter 1995)

HORTUS 36 (Winter 1995)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Liz Robinson s Snippets Celia Fisher her London garden in winter Joan Loraine her Somerset woodland garden, Greencombe, in winter Tim Longville a wealth of garden plants indoors for winter John Francis moving house (and garden) Jonathan Bell gardens in the Atlas Mountains Phyllis Guskin American gardens Robin Spencer the making of York Gate garden (part two of four) Robin Whalley part one of Harold PetoÍs Japanese diaries Deborah Kellaway Gardens in Fiction _ ïElizabeth and her German GardenÍ Derek Toms An Essayist in the Garden Peter Parker Ponders... Book review by John Francis.

HORTUS  37 (Spring 1996)

HORTUS 37 (Spring 1996)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Tim Longville s Snippets Indispensable Plants by Angela Holmes Diana Ross touring Irish gardens Jo Dunn William CobbettÍs gardening days Robin Spencer the making of York Gate garden (part three of four) Robin Whalley part two of Harold PetoÍs Japanese diaries Anthony Lambert the trees in my life Patricia Cleveland Peck Gardens in Fiction _ Hemingford Grey and Lucy BostonÍs ïGreen KnoweÍ books Graham Stuart Thomas An Essayist in the Garden Peter Parker Pondersƒ Book reviews by Liz Robinson and Judith Tankard. Index to issues 33 36.

HORTUS  38 (Summer 1996)

HORTUS 38 (Summer 1996)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Bettina Harden s Snippets Indispensable Plants by Thomas Fischer John Kelly gardening in Ireland (and other stories) Diana Ross David ShackletonÍs garden near Dublin Judith Tankard memories of Gertrude JekyllÍs Munstead Wood Shirley Heriz Smith William Purdom, a Westmorland plant hunter in China John Sendy Leawood Gardens in Australia John Francis Hampton Court Palace and the restored Privy Garden Sybil Spencer the making of York Gate garden (part four of four) Graham Stuart Thomas An Essayist in the Garden Peter Parker Gardens in Fiction _ Jocelyn Brooke David Sayers obituary of W.G. (Bill) MacKenzie, 1904 1995. Book review by William Grant.

HORTUS  39 (Autumn 1996)

HORTUS 39 (Autumn 1996)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Tim Longville s Snippets. Jo Dunn farm gardens in history and literature Creina Glegg ïChineseÍ Wilson, plant hunter Diana Ross an amusing glance at slugs and snails in the garden William Tait a walk by the stream at the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh Rachel Edwards a new garden at Old Hall, Stiffkey, Norfolk Marjorie Sykes Arley Hall, a family garden Tom Garnett an Australian garden perspective Catherine Hyde allotments John Hall making a vineyard in Italy Anne Willis Gardens in Fiction _ Mrs OliphantÍs Carlingford gardens Graham Stuart Thomas An Essayist in the Garden Peter Parker Pondersƒ Mirabel Osler a memoir of nurseryman and gardener, James Russell.

HORTUS  40 (Winter 1996)

HORTUS 40 (Winter 1996)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Liz Robinson s Snippets Indispensable Plants by Derek Fraser Jenkins, Bill Malecki, Odile Masquelier and Pamela Schwerdt (former joint head gardener at Sissinghurst) Beth Chatto putting plant ecology into garden design William Tait a walk by the pond at the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh Tim Longville a celebration of artist Robin Tanner and his wife, Heather John Francis a visit to the roses at Mottisfont Abbey in Hampshire Jane Allsopp Coughton Court, Warwickshire Marie Ingram the Rockefeller gardens at Kykuit, New York Anthea Gibson a private nursery and garden in Tuscany Derek Toms raging at modern gardens Anthony Lambert birds in gardens Graham Stuart Thomas An Essayist in the Garden Peter Parker Pondersƒ Mirabel Osler an open letter to the editor on the tenth anniversary of HORTUS Book reviews by Judith Tankard and Karin Hiscock

HORTUS  41 (Spring 1997)

HORTUS 41 (Spring 1997)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Tim Longville s Snippets Indispensable Plants by Sarah Coles John Kelly the difference between horticulture and gardening Judith Hopkinson Hollington Herb Nursery in spring William Tait a walk by the peat walls at the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh Alan Emmet the old garden at Vaucluse, Portsmouth, Rhode Island Patricia Cleveland Peck the restoration of the gardens of the Royal Pavilion, Brighton Heather MacKinnon a Canadian gardener sees the ghost of her English garden Katherine Swift An Essayist in the Garden (The Morville Hours) William Ellis Rees Gerard Manley Hopkins and his poetic garden imagery Peter Parker Pondersƒ Book reviews by John Akeroyd and Patricia Cleveland Peck. Index to issues 37-40.

HORTUS  42 (Summer 1997)

HORTUS 42 (Summer 1997)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Liz Robinson s Snippets Audrey Le Livre lilies in history, in the wild and in the garden Jo Dunn farm gardens today Judith Hopkinson Hollington Herb Nursery in summer Graham Stuart Thomas elusive but alluring fragrances Diana Ross a London roof garden conservatory Judith Tankard Ellen Biddle ShipmanÍs garden life Derek Toms a return to gardening Katherine Swift An Essayist in the Garden (The Morville Hours) Peter Parker Ponders... Margaret Waddy obituary of John Kelly. Book reviews by Judith Tankard and Peter Parker.

HORTUS  43 (Autumn 1997)

HORTUS 43 (Autumn 1997)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Tim Longville s Snippets Indispensable Plants by Sarah Coles Geoffrey Dutton the genus Sorbus Mirabel Osler the craft of charcoal making Patricia Cleveland Peck the mulberry Diana Ross the trees in her London garden Judith Hopkinson Hollington Herb Nursery in autumn and winter Graham Stuart Thomas making the most of shrubs Charles Quest Ritson German gardens John Kelly gardens and sociology Katherine Swift An Essayist in the Garden (The Morville Hours) John Francis Gardens in Fiction _ Wilkie Collins Peter Parker Pondersƒ Book reviews by Diana Ross and John Francis, CD review by Alex Dufort.

HORTUS  44 (Winter 1997)

HORTUS 44 (Winter 1997)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Indispensable Plants by Sarah Coles Diana Ross s Snippets Jo Dunn more farm gardens of today Hazel Le Rougetel Philip MillerÍs appreciation of roses in the eighteenth century Tim Longville a meeting of gardeners in Victorian Australia John Sendy the Chrystal family and their garden at St Vigeans, Australia Joy Macdonald Coleridge and his garden Katherine Swift An Essayist in the Garden (The Morville Hours) Peter Parker Pondersƒ Anne Wallis Gardens in Fiction _ Tove JanssonÍs Moominmamma books Obituary of William Lanier Hunt by Tim Longville. Book review by Tim Longville.

HORTUS  45 (Spring 1998)

HORTUS 45 (Spring 1998)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Bettina Harden s Snippets Karen Petersen ïSalvage, not PlunderÍ a gardenerÍs wanderings in Africa Diana Ross a woodland garden in an English town Simon Dorrell Hadspen Gardens in Somerset in spring David Wheeler Moseley Old Hall garden John Sendy Coole Park and Thoor Ballylee gardens in Ireland Trevor Nottle herbaceous plants in an Australian garden Patricia Cleveland Peck La guirlande de Julie _ a floral love token Celia Fisher wild orchids in folklore, art and literature Peter Parker Pondersƒ William Grant An Essayist in the Garden (from California) Obituary of Eleanor Philips by John Akeroyd. Book reviews by Tim Longville, Ursula Buchan, Simon Dorrell, Patricia Cleveland Peck and Diana Ross. Index to issues 43-46.

HORTUS  46 (Summer 1998)

HORTUS 46 (Summer 1998)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Diana Ross s Snippets Tim Longville two gardening doctors, number one, Harry Roberts Tom Garnett trees in Australia Barbara Abbs from the diary of a professional garden visitor in Belgium and Holland Simon Dorrell Hadspen Gardens in Somerset in summer Paul Binding a letter from Uppsala (home of Linnaeus) Celia Fisher campanulas William Grant An Essayist in the Garden (from California) Anna Mumford on commissioning todayÍs gardening books John Francis Gardens in Fiction _ Norman Douglas and ïSouth WindÍ Peter Parker William Cowper, a mad poet in the garden. Book reviews by Noel Kingsbury, Trish Walters and Mirabel Osler.

HORTUS  47 (Autumn 1998)

HORTUS 47 (Autumn 1998)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Katherine Swift a year with Lindsay Bousfield, independent rose grower Diana Ross the garden at St Nicholas, Yorkshire Simon Dorrell Hadspen Gardens in Somerset in autumn Tim Longville two gardening doctors, number two, Tommy Horder Martin Wood Southern GraceÍ (part one of Nancy Lancaster and her gardens) Belinda Stewart Cox on Sam Popham and his trees in Sri Lanka Peter Parker Christopher Smart, another mad poet in the garden William Grant An Essayist in the Garden (from California) On My Bedside Table, by Mirabel Osler. Book reviews by Andrew Lawson, Stephen Lacey, Rosemary Verey, Deborah Kellaway, Richard Mabey and Noel Kingsbury.

HORTUS  48 (Winter 1998)

HORTUS 48 (Winter 1998)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Diana Ross s Snippets Barbara Stalbow winter flowering plants Tim Longville gardening with half hardy plants in winter DanileThomas her garden in the Cevennes Noel Kingsbury Roberto Burle Marx, the man, the myth and the garden Martin Wood ïFollowing the HuntÍ (part two of Nancy Lancaster and her gardens) Audrey Le Livre Henry Elwes, memoir of the great English plantsman and theÍmissingÍ chapter of his autobiography John Sendy the Furphy Sandhills, gardening family in Australia Peter Parker Pondersƒ On My Bedside Table, by Katherine Swift John Francis Gardens in Fiction _ Rose Tremain William Grant An Essayist in the Garden (from California). Book reviews by Diana Ross and Tim Longville.

HORTUS  49 (Spring 1999)

HORTUS 49 (Spring 1999)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Liz Robinson s Snippets Katherine Swift hyacinths and a personal memoir Tim Longville gardening with half hardy plants in spring Robin Whalley an exploration of the garden pavilions at Montacute House, Somerset Martin Wood ïGlorious DitchleyÍ (part three of Nancy Lancaster and her gardens) Barbara Paul Robinson gardens open to the public in the USA Jo Munro A Sense of Place, part one of a story about a New Zealand garden John Akeroyd An Essayist in the Garden Peter Parker Pondersƒ On My Bedside Table, by Rory Stuart. Book reviews by Ursula Buchan, Judith Tankard, Tim Longville and Trevor Nottle. Index to issues 45-48.

HORTUS  50 (Summer 1999)

HORTUS 50 (Summer 1999)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Diana Ross s Snippets Tim Longville gardening with half hardy plants in summer Martin Wood ïHalcyon DaysÍ (final part of Nancy Lancaster and her gardens) Jo Munro A Sense of Place, part two of a story about a New Zealand garden Betty Kershaw the ïsecretÍ gardening life of Capt.W.E.Johns, the creator of ïBigglesÍ On My Bedside Table, by Thomas Fischer John Akeroyd An Essayist in the Garden Peter Parker Pondersƒ Book reviews by Katherine Swift and Fenja Gunn.

HORTUS  51 (Autumn 1999)

HORTUS 51 (Autumn 1999)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Noel Kingsbury s Snippets Fenja Gunn part one of Percy Cane and his gardens Jo Munro A Sense of Place, part three of a story about a New Zealand garden Tim Longville gardening with half hardy plants in autumn John Akeroyd An Essayist in the Garden Peter Parker Pondersƒ Book reviews by William Grant, Tim Longville, Liz Robinson, Judith Tankard and Martin Wood.

HORTUS  52 (Winter 1999)

HORTUS 52 (Winter 1999)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Diana Ross s Snippets Antony King Deacon my life with Harold Nicolson at Sissinghurst after the death of Vita Sackville West Fenja Gunn final part of Percy Cane and his gardens Jo Munro A Sense of Place, part four of a story about a New Zealand garden David Sayers the Ledebour Terraces at Prague Castle John Francis What does your front garden say about you? Peter Parker Pondersƒ John Akeroyd An Essayist in the Garden. Book reviews by John Akeroyd, Helena Attlee, John Francis, Mary Keen, Tim Longville, Liz Robinson, Diana Ross and Judith Tankard

HORTUS  53 (Spring 2000)

HORTUS 53 (Spring 2000)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Noel Kingsbury s Snippets Graham Stuart Thomas lilacs Pamela Schwerdt Arum creticum Sibylle Kreutzberger Acanthus Christine Skelmersdale Tulipa saxatilis/T. bakeri Rachel Lever Dierama pulcherrimum Diana Ross Mrs KeatingÍs Daughters (a tale of three determined lady gardeners) Betty Kershaw the life of plantsman Reginald Kaye Catherine Beale and Simon Dorrell Hampton Court, Herefordshire _ the gardens, old and new Jo Munro A Sense of Place (concluding pages of five part series on the making of a New Zealand garden) Tom Garnett native plants in Australia Derek Toms gardens as expressions of their gardeners personalities On My Bedside Table, by Elspeth Thompson Peter Parker Ponders... Book reviews by Katherine Swift and William Grant. Index to issues 49 52.

HORTUS  54 (Summer 2000)

HORTUS 54 (Summer 2000)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Noel Kingsbury s Snippets Peter Chappell Cornus ïSatomiÍ, Arbutus ïMarinaÍ and Salix hookeriana Graham Stuart Thomas fragrant limes, or lindens James Harris late flowering magnolias Rachel Lever Teucrium ackermannii Pamela Schwerdt ïSecond time roundÍ plants Sibylle Kreutzberger lesser known nasturtiums Bob Brown why and how some plants are hardy Diana Ross interview with Tony Hall of Kew Gardens Marta McDowell Emily DickinsonÍs garden and garden poetry Katherine Swift Letter from Orkney (gardening on islands north of mainland Scotland), Part One John Hall Italian gardens and the travel business Bryan Forbes Night Thoughts of a Frustrated Gardener Peter Parker Pondersƒ On My Bedside Table, by Deborah Kellaway. Book reviews by John Francis, Fenja Gunn, Liz Robinson and Rosemary Verey.

HORTUS  55 (Autumn 2000)

HORTUS 55 (Autumn 2000)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Diana Ross s Snippets Graham Stuart Thomas Late autumn berries Peter Chappell Acer palmatum dissectum ïSeiryuÍ, Liquidambar styraciflua ïWorplesdonÍ and Lindera obtusiloba Pamela Schwerdt beautiful leaves Sibylle Kreutzberger border thalictrums Christine Skelmersdale Crocus laevigatus ïFontenayiÍ Barbara Abbs The Chalk Gardens at Highdown Tim Longville Young Stoneface _ Ronnie DuncanÍs Yorkshire garden Katherine Swift Letter from Orkney, Part Two Robin Whalley Harold PetoÍs Spanish Diary 1888 Betty Kershaw A Nest of Robins in his Hair _ Russian gardens of V. Safonov Anne Powell The Gardens of War Peter Parker Ponders... Book reviews by Noel Kingsbury, Tim Longville and Diana Ross.

HORTUS  56 (Winter 2000)

HORTUS 56 (Winter 2000)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Noel Kingsbury s Snippets Peter Chappell Betula utilis var. jacquemontii ïJermynsÍ, Leptospermum grandifolium and Crataegus laciniata (orientalis) Pamela Schwerdt Polystichum setiferum Pulcherrimum Bevis Sibylle Kreutzberger When winter comes Diana Ross meets nurseryman Donald Waterer Caroline Menzel Our (Mediterranean) Island Garden May Brawley Hill an artistÍs garden in Tuscany Tim Longville In Pursuit of Miss Pim Katherine Swift Letter from Orkney, Part Three Celia Fisher The Restoration of Gilbert WhiteÍs Garden at Selborne Peter Parker Ponders Alex Ramsay s photographs of Italian gardens Patricia Cleveland Peck The Flower Prince (Prince Eugen of Sweden). Book reviews by John Akeroyd and Liz Robinson.

HORTUS  57 (Spring 2001)

HORTUS 57 (Spring 2001)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Diana Ross s Snippets Peter Chappell Cornus ïOrmondeÍ, Magnolia ïSpectrumÍ and Drimys winteri var. andina Pamela Schwerdt eremurus, veratrum, mertensia Sibylle Kreutzberger early flowering shrubs for walls Rachel Lever Anemone nemorosa Bob Brown Coronilla valentina Fergus Garrett (Christopher LloydÍs head gardener) myosotis Susie Pasley Tyler spring at Coton Manor, Northamptonshire Betty Kershaw Barnhaven primulas and Florence Bellis Katherine Swift Letter from Orkney (final part) Tom Petherick spring in a walled vegetable garden Tim Richardson ïWhat Makes a Space a Place?Í Peter Parker Pondersƒ On My Bedside Table, by Jane Brown. Book reviews by Helena Attlee, Judith Tankard, Ylva Blid Mackenzie, Patricia Cleveland Peck and John Akeroyd. Index to issues 53 56.

HORTUS  58 (Summer 2001)

HORTUS 58 (Summer 2001)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Noel Kingsbury s Snippets Peter Chappell Cornus alba ïAureaÍ, Hoheria angustifolia Borde Hill , Deutzia setchuenensis var. corymbiflora Sarah Raven Zinnias Christine Skelmersdale Agapanthus Fergus Garrett Verbascum olympicum _ a Turkish endemic Paul Williams Lobelia Susie Pasley Tyler Part Two summer at Coton Manor, Northamptonshire Eugenie van Weede garden and plants at Bingerden, Netherlands Mark Lutyens the Boots Millennium Garden George Carter Silverstone Garden, Norfolk Diana Ross Plas Brondanw Tom Petherick Part Two _ summer in a walled vegetable garden Tim Longville ïThe Many Coloured Case of Alfred SmeeÍ Tim Richardson ïWe See Gardens Not As They Are, But As We AreÍ Peter Parker Ponders... On My Bedside Table, by Charles Quest Ritson. Book reviews by Mirabel Osler, Diana Ross and Katherine Swift.

HORTUS  59 (Autumn 2001)

HORTUS 59 (Autumn 2001)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Diana Ross s Snippets Anthony Brooks Echinacea purpurea _ the purple coneflower Paul Williams Arum italicum ssp. italicum ïMarmoratumÍ Susie Pasley Tyler autumn at Coton Manor, Northamptonshire Helen Leach ïOur Natives, Your Exotics _ Your Natives, Our WeedsÍ (a view from New Zealand) Anne Powell a bicentennial celebration of William Barnes Tom Petherick autumn in a walled vegetable garden Susan Elderkin ïThe Danger of Desert GardensÍ Patricia Cleveland Peck ïIn the Footsteps of Frank Kingdon WardÍ Tim Richardson ïThe Shape of the LandÍ Peter Parker Pondersƒ Anna Buxton ïA New Orchard and GardenÍ On My Bedside Table, by Judith Tankard David Wheeler a personal tribute to Rosemary Verey Rob Cassy obituary of Frances Lincoln. Book reviews by Tim Longville.

HORTUS  60 (Winter 2001)

HORTUS 60 (Winter 2001)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Noel Kingsbury s Snippets Peter Chappell Stachyurus ïMagpieÍ, Prunus maackii and Daphne bholua ïDarjeelingÍ Paul Williams Carex buchananii Susie Pasley Tyler winter at Coton Manor, Northamptonshire Fenja Gunn ïTaking Over an Old GardenÍ Martin Wood ïKeeping ChristmasÍ Celia Fisher ïRetrospective A Look at Plants in Pre Raphaelite PaintingsÍ Betty Kershaw ïAndr_ GideÍs Garden BackgroundÍ Tom Petherick winter in a walled vegetable garden Tim Richardson ïThe Ghost in the GardenÍ Peter Parker Ponders... On My Bedside Table, by Erica Hunningher Charlotte Hare ïLandscape LondonÍ. Book reviews by Rob Cassy, Patricia Cleveland Peck and Frank Ronan.

HORTUS  61 (Spring 2002)

HORTUS 61 (Spring 2002)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Rob Cassy s Snippets Carol Klein exceptional hellebores Paul Williams Eranthis hyemalis Sibylle Kreutzberger ïMaking Our First GardenÍ Fenja Gunn ïIn Praise of AnnualsÍ Diana Ross a talk with Anthea Gibson at Westwell, her Oxfordshire garden Rosemary Lindsay Amsterdam Canal Gardens Noel Kingsbury Piet Oudolf and the Dutch Garden Catharine Nicholson ïThe Acanthus in ArchitectureÍ Marta McDowell ïWith Malus AforethoughtÍ (some gardens in crime fiction) On My Bedside Table, by Ursula Buchan Anna Buxton on ParkinsonÍs Paradisus Peter Parker Pondersƒ Book reviews by Rob Cassy, Judith Tankard, David Wheeler, Patricia Cleveland Peck and Bleddyn Wynn Jones. Index to issues 57 60.

HORTUS  62 (Summer 2002)

HORTUS 62 (Summer 2002)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Diana Ross s Snippets Peter Chappell Hydrangea serrata ïTiaraÍ, Aesculus californica and Clethra alnifolia ïPink SpireÍ and ïHummingbirdÍ Sibylle Kreutzberger ïMaking Our First Garden SummerÍ Roger Turner ïBackgrounds and The Flower BorderÍ Tim Longville the Year Round Garden at Duntrune Castle, Argyll Michael Cunningham ïGardening Away from HomeÍ Peter Dale ïThe Lure of Lost GardensÍ Betty Kershaw ïProof of a PuddingÍ Anne Willis ïA French Walled Garden in EnglandÍ John Sendy Gardens and Russian Writers On My Bedside Table, by Fenja Gunn Peter Parker Pondersƒ Book reviews by Thomas Fischer, Tim Longville and Helene Pizzi.

HORTUS  63 (Autumn 2002)

HORTUS 63 (Autumn 2002)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Noel Kingsbury s Snippets Alison Huntley Medlars Diana Ross a conversation with Lady Salisbury in her garden at Hatfield House Karen Platt Sheffield Botanical Gardens Anne Powell Rosamund Willoughby _ fifty years of gardening across the world Ian Collins John Morley, painter plantsman Patricia Cleveland Peck Gardens of Lithuania Pamela Schwerdt Making our First Garden _ Autumn Paula Deitz on Chelsea gardens after the Show Martin Wood war graves and Lutyens Catharine Nicholson Plants in Gothic Architecture Peter Parker Pondersƒ Book reviews by Michael White and Judith Tankard

HORTUS  64 (Winter 2002)

HORTUS 64 (Winter 2002)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Diana Ross s Snippets Alex Dufort Ridler s Garden, in Swansea Sarah Scarlett temptations and restraint in a new garden Paul Williams Ribes laurifolium Pamela Schwerdt Making our First Garden _ Winter John Akeroyd Foreign fragments of an older England Michael Cunningham pokeweed _ Phytolacca americana Tim Longville the gardens of Ladykirk, in the Scottish Borders Allan McNeish Peter Valder _ Gardener Ian Griffiths the Penang Botanic Gardens Peter J.James the mathematics of garden compost On My Bedside Table, by William Grant Katherine Swift the gazebo at 27 Broad Street, Ludlow Peter Parker Pondersƒ Book reviews by John Akeroyd, Tim Longville and Diana Ross.

HORTUS  65 (Spring 2003)

HORTUS 65 (Spring 2003)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Tim LongvilleÍs Snippets Alison Rix Some Devon Gardens Noel Kingsbury Of Cornish Gardens John Carter Plant Hunting in Devon and Cornwall Tom Petherick ïUndisturbed and Understood the Garden at Tregrehan, CornwallÍ John Akeroyd ïCornwallÍs Offshore Paradise Garden the Abbey Gardens of Tresco, Isles of Scilly Mirabel Osler ïSomething ElseÍ Diana Ross meets Beth Chatto and pays tribute to her in her eightieth year Michael Cunningham ïScylla and CharybdisÍ the gardening relationship between Katharine White and Elizabeth Lawrence Peter Parker, Katie Campbell and Katherine Swift Judith TankardÍs American Book Notes Index to issues 61 64.

HORTUS  66 (Summer 2003)

HORTUS 66 (Summer 2003)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Noel KingsburyÍs Snippets Catharine Nicholson ïRoses in ArchitectureÍ Diana Ross meets Thomas Pakenham Antonia Johnson ïGrayish on ClayishÍ (grey leafed plants for the garden) Rosemary Lindsay on the Gardens of Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, DC Katie Campbell on the Gothic Imaginationof Sir George Sitwell at Renishaw in Derbyshire Barrie Carson Turner ïA Septuagenarian TaleÍ (on the long life of a short lived perennial) Lorraine Harrison ïPatriotism, Victory and VegetablesÍ a recollection of the ïdig for victoryÍ campaigns Charles Elliott ïEnglebert Kaempfer and the Vegetable LambÍ Books On My Bedside Table by John Akeroyd Graham Stuart Thomas ïThe WeatherÍ (the last piece he wrote for HORTUS before his death in April) personal memories of Graham Stuart Thomas by Barry Ambrose, Beth Chatto, Thomas Cooper, Noel Kingsbury, Liz Robinson, John Sales, Tony Schilling, Wayne Winterrowd and Joe Eck Tim Longville a personal tribute to Derek Toms, 1943 2003 Book Reviews by TimLongville.

HORTUS  67 (Autumn 2003)

HORTUS 67 (Autumn 2003)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Winners of the Times & HORTUS Garden Writing Competition 2003 Tim LongvilleÍs Snippets Noel Kingsbury ïHail the ParvenusÍ an exploration of ïnewÍ plants Diana Ross meets plantsman and explorer Roy Lancaster Alex Dufort ïKilfane An Irish RetreatÍ Ingrid Verdegem ïTo a Man Who Dislikes OrangeÍ, an essay on autumn John Hall ïThe Garden of Eden in VeniceÍ, his personal exploration of Frederick EdenÍs Venetian garden Tim Longville ïA Glimpse of Something MoreÍ, a re discovery of writer Dorothea Eastwood Charles ElliottÍs essay ïThe Age of GuanoÍ Books On My Bedside Table by David Wheeler reviews of collected garden writing by Ursual Buchan and Elisabeth Sheldon, and of a new book on the eighteenth century drawings made at Dapuri, the Bombay GovernorÍs residence in India. Erica Hunningher reviews ïThe GardenerÍs Labyrinthî a book and exhibition of photographs of BritainÍs leading garden figures.

HORTUS  68 (Winter 2003)

HORTUS 68 (Winter 2003)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Noel KingsburyÍs Snippets Elspeth Thompson ïLighting the Touch paperÍ(indoor spring flowering bulbs) Antonia Johnson ïThe Whiff of EvergreensÍ (fragrant evergreens for the winter garden) Deborah Kellaway ïWinter PicturesÍ Celebration of SnowdropsÍ Patricia Cleveland Peck ïWilliam Morris and his Gardens at Red House and Kelmscott ManorÍ Diana Ross ïA Walk on the Wild Side with Geoffrey DuttonÍ (an interview with the Scottish poet and gardener) Charles Elliott ïLosersÍ (mishaps in the lives of plant hunters) Serena Moore ïIn the Oxford Botanic GardenÍ, a short story Betty Kershaw ïGardens in Fiction To The Mulberry (Henry James, 1843 1916)Í Poem ïThe GardenerÍ by Anna Wigley book reviews by Katharine Swift (on Sir Roy StrongÍs garden), John Akeroyd (on wild flowers) and Mark Lutyens (on a history of the Veitch family of nurserymen) short reviews by David Wheeler and Judith TankardÍs American Book Notes.

HORTUS  69 (Spring 2004)

HORTUS 69 (Spring 2004)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

ïDust to DustÍ a poem by Caroline Harbouri ïPlantsmanÍs PlantsÍ a selection of plants for the spring garden by Deborah Kellaway, Mirabel Osler, Mark Lutyens, John Akeroyd, Carol Klein and David Wheeler. Martyn Rix ïChina Treasure (modern plant hunting in China) Graham Gough ïThe best teacher a gardener can haveÍ (the making of a modern garden in the Sussex countryside) Betty Kershaw ïOf Purest GreenÍ Graham Cousins ïGreen Leaves, Bright FlowersÍ Katie Campbell ïThe Tortoise in Garden Sculpture Meaning and Symbolism in the Modern WorldÍ Charles Elliott ïThe Acid TestÍ Constance Casey ïPublic Gardens _ an ïAlternative ViewÍ Diana Ross ïTo garden is to seize the day an interview with novelist Penelope LivelyÍ ïWhatÍs On _ A miscellany of forthcoming events for gardenersÍ book reviews ïLittle SpartaÍ, ïThe Garden of Cosmic SpeculationÍ, ïFrom the CountryÍ, ïAn Illustrated Guide to MaplesÍ. Index to issues 65 68.

HORTUS  70 (Summer 2004)

HORTUS 70 (Summer 2004)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

ïIn Praise of PomegranatesÍ a poem by Glencairn Balfour Paul Noel KingsburyÍs Snippets Carol Klein ïSummer StunnersÍ, a nurserywomanÍs selction of best summer plants William Grant ïPrickles and ThornsÍ, whatÍs the right word in rose growing circles? Christine Reid ïLiving Out a Fantasy Marylynn Abbott at West Green HouseÍ Helene Pizzi ïGardening in Hot Sand A Mediterranean MiracleÍ Diana Ross ïThe Ring CycleÍ, a cautionary tale about the dangers of lawn mowing) Catharine Nicholson ïThe Fruit and Flowers of Grinling GibbonsÍ Peter James ïBaneful Things RevistedÍ (the world on the monkey puzzle tree) Jo Manby ïIndiaÍs Garden PantheonsÍ Michael Cunningham ïDeserving of ItalicsÍ Charles Elliott ïOn Growing PotatoesÍ Marta McDowell ïNathaniel Hawthorne and HorticultureÍ book reviews ïGardening on the EdgeÍ, ïThe Pruning of Trees, Shrubs and ConifersÍ, ïA Passion for PlantsÍ, ïPoems For GardenersÍ plus Judith TankardÍs American BookNotes.

HORTUS  71 (Autumn 2004)

HORTUS 71 (Autumn 2004)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

ïThe Green ManÍ poem by Cecilia Chance Tim LongvilleÍs Snippets CarolKlein ïAutumn . . . and BeyondÍ John Akeroyd ïPromoting AutumnÍs Special Floral GarlandÍ Rosemary Lindsay ïCommunity CuttingsÍ Ron Mulroy ïDeath of a Big TreeÍ Helena Attlee ïBurnished by the Sun of a Hundred New SummersÍ (a centenary tribute to Edith WhartonÍs book, Italian Villas and Their Gardens) Peter James ïLines on LeavesÍ, the science of leaf colour Kristina Taylor ïFrom my 2004 DiaryÍ, plant hunting in south west China Janice Sharkey ïA Nocturnal GardenÍ Diana Ross meets Anne Scott James Tim Longville ïThe Two Sides of EdenÍ, biographical exploration of the life of Eden Phillpotts Charles Elliott ïBlue Fruit and ChimerasÍ book reviews by Judith B Tankard (on ïLost Gardens of EnglandÍ, John Akeroyd on ïBothÍ, Douglas CraseÍs biography of Rupert Barneby and his partner Dwight Ripley.

HORTUS  72 (Winter 2004)

HORTUS 72 (Winter 2004)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

ïCreagh Burial Ground, Baltimore, West CorkÍ (poem by Peter Dale) ïFor Gardening . . . and CivilisationÍ (books of the year selected by eight eminent garden writers) Carol Klein ïOn a Quiet WinterÍs DayÍ (a personal choice of winter flowering plants) Elisabeth Sheldon ïComposing a GardenÍ Rosemary Lindsay ïA Feast of DelightsÍ (the gardens of the Prieur_ Notre Dame DÍOrsan, France) Patricia Cleveland Peck ïPolly Hill ArboretumÍ (an exploration of an American arboretum) Diana Ross ïEarly DaysÍ (a visit to James and Lady Tania ComptonÍs garden in the making in Wiltshire) Anne Powell ïOur Garden Then . . . and NowÍ Tim Longville ïThe NurserymanÍs TaleÍ (an interview with octogenarian nurseryman George Stephenson Ralph Tanner ïAn Amateur ObsessionÍ (plant collecting in East Africa) Michael Cunningham ïThe Quotable Rock GardenerÍ Lorraine Harrison ïSomething to Brighten all our GardensÍ (Shakers, faith and gardening in nineteenth century America) Brent Elliott Gardens in Fiction, ïProustÍs Remembrance of Things PastÍ, Part One ïGardensÍ (Part Two ïFlowersÍ appears in HORTUS 73) book reviews Robin Whalley on ïGardens of the Arts and Crafts MovementÍ by Judith Tankard Michael Cunningham on ïNo One Gardens Alone A Life of Elizabeth LawrenceÍ by Emily Herring Wilson and Tim Longville on ïA Passion For PlantsÍ by Suzanne Treseder.

HORTUS  73 (Spring 2005)

HORTUS 73 (Spring 2005)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

'Our Body Understands What our Mind Cannot Grasp' poem by Kay Wisniewski Antonia Johnson ïIn Memoriam Piers Simon (1971 2004)Í Noel KingsburyÍs Snippets Carol Klein ïBeauty from BelowÍ Tim Longville ïMuncaster of the Magic, Patrick of the PlantsÍ Patricia Cleveland Peck ïNymans in SpringÍ Alberto Grossi ïA Whiff of the SouthÍ (a visit to Andr_ HellerÍs botanic garden near Lake Garda) Katie Campbell ïThe Renaissance RevisitedÍ (Cecil Pinsent and the Anglo Florentine garden) Michael Cunningham ïDo you have Sweet Rocket?Í Rob Cassy ïGreen ManÍ (interview with artist David More who devoted more than a decade to illustrating CassellÍs monumental Trees of Britain and Northern Europe) Charles Elliott ïSir WalterÍs TreesÍ Brent Elliott ïProustÍs Remembrance of Things Past, Part Two FlowersÍ Penelope Hobhouse ïOn My Bedside TableÍ book reviews Deborah Kellaway on ïNature CureÍ by Richard Mabey John Akeroyd on ïLa Mortola In the Footsteps of Thomas HanburyÍ by Alasdair Moore Charles Elliott on ïThe Earth Moved On the Remarkable Achievements of EarthwormsÍ by Amy Stewart Shorter reviews of ïAgapanthus For GardenersÍ by Hanneke van Dijk ïHawthorns and MedlarsÍ by James B. Phipps ïVariegated Trees & Shrubs The Ilustrated EncyclopediaÍ by Ronald Houtman ïEncyclopedia of HydrangeasÍ by C. J. van Gelderen and D.M. van Gelderen ïGarden Plants of JapanÍ by Ran Levy Yamamori and Gerard Taaffe ïTree FernsÍ by Mark F. Large and John E. Braggins ïFlowers in Medieval ManuscriptsÍ by Celia Fisher ïThe Elder in History, Myth and CookeryÍ by Ria Loohouizen ïTree Houses of the WorldÍ by Pete Nelson ïFruit An Illustrated HistoryÍ by Peter Blackburne Maze and ïGlendurgan A Personal Memoir of a Garden in CornewallÍ by Charles Fox plus Judith TankardÍs American Book Notes. Index to issues 69-72

HORTUS  74 (Summer 2005)

HORTUS 74 (Summer 2005)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Tim LongvilleÍs Snippets Mark Lutyens ïWild Gardening Noel Kingsbury ïThe Wild and the GardenedÍ Carolle Doyle ïTrebah The Ethos of the PlaceÍ Tim Longville ïThe CollectorÍ Clive Collins and his Lake District garden) Diana Ross ïTime to ReflectÍ (an interview with Hugh Johnson at home in Essex) Patricia Cleveland Peck ïMaison Folio Scents and Spices of La R_unionÍ William Grant ïAmong the EucalyptsÍ Judith B. Tankard ïBeyond the Garden. The Arts & Crafts Movement in Britain and ElsewhereÍ Betty Kershaw ïFigs, Pigs and a Writing DeskÍ (The Enigma of Ford Madox Ford) Michael Cunningham ïPlant ThievesÍ Lorraine Harrison ïSituations VacantÍ (a history of garden satff advertising) Charles Elliott ïWeedlings and SeedlingsÍ book reviews Ursula Buchan on ïTales of the Rose Tree Ravishing Rhododendrons and Their Travels Around the WorldÍ by Jane Brown, and Tim Longville on ïThe Curious GardenerÍ by JÙrgen Dahl.

HORTUS  75 (Autumn 2005)

HORTUS 75 (Autumn 2005)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Tim LongvilleÍs Snippets Diana Ross interviews KMantraps and PolypodiumsÍ, Ralph CusackÍs passion for gardening among a life of chaos Francesca Fraser Darling ïDiary of a Garden History StudentÍ Michael Cunningham ïTree, Grow Old with Me Flower, Brighten the HourÍ Charles Elliott ïPierre Poivre and the Spice TreeÍ Rosemary Lindsay ïOn My Bedside TableÍ book reviews Rosemary Lindsay on ïThe Elemental Prairie Sixty Tallgrass PlantsÍ by George Olson and John Madson Bruce Wannell on ïGardens of PersiaÍ by Penelope Hobhouse Judith B. Tankard on ïEnglish Gardens in the Twentieth Century from the Archives of Country LifeÍ by Tim Richardson Colin Martin on ïThe Family BedsÍ by Alison Turnbull. im Wilkie, landscape architect Tricia Moody ïA Cotswold Gardener in ChileÍ John Akeroyd ïWielding my New Steel FingernailÍ Tim Longville

HORTUS  76 (Winter 2005)

HORTUS 76 (Winter 2005)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Tim LongvilleÍs Snippets Noel Kingsbury ïAfter the Deluge Hurricane Katrina and her AftermathÍ Ambra Edwards ïOn Meeting Ian Hamilton FinlayÍ John Akeroyd ïA Fragment of Italy on an Atlantic Shore IlnacullinÍ Carolle Doyle ïJust Like Home The Japanese Garden at Tatton ParkÍ Mirabel Osler ïBorrowed Landscape Observations From a Town GardenÍ Diana Ross interviews Elizabeth Jane Howard Katie Campbell ïSerenity, Silence, Intimacy and Amazement The Gardens of Luis BarragànÍ Betty Kershaw ïThe Queen of Spades Catherine the Great and her Passion for GardeningÍ Michael Cunningham ïLobÍs Wood Carl Krippendorf and Elizabeth Lawrence, Part OneÍ Charles Elliott ïCommersonÍs SecretÍ Rosemary Lindsay ïUnlikely AromatherapyÍ Rob Cassy interviews Tom Turner about his book ïGarden History Philosophy and Design, 2000 BC to 2000 ADÍ book reviews Glencairn Balfour Paul on ïThe Naming of Names The Search for Order in the World of PlantsÍ by Anna Pavord Katie Campbell on ïOn Foreign Soil American Gardeners AbroadÍ by May Brawley Hill

HORTUS  77 (Spring 2006)

HORTUS 77 (Spring 2006)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Christopher Lloyd remembered by Beth Chatto, Tom Cooper, Graham Cough, Erica Hunningher, Andrew Lawson, Pip Morrison, Tim Richardson, Liz Robinson, Tony Schilling, and Wayne Winterrowd Noel KingsburyÍs Snippets Rosemary Lindsay ïRichly stocked and, to some eyes, eccentricÍ _ the Garden at DowcraÍs Manor Alex Dufort ïTrevarno_ the National Museum of GardeningÍ Diana Ross interviews Richard Mabey Tim Longville ïA Life of Popillaceous BlushÍ (the life of John Coakley Lettsom) Michael Cunningham ïLobÍs Wood Carl Krippendorf and Elizabeth Lawrence, Part TwoÍ Charles Elliott ïThe Shrinking VioletÍ Letter to the Editor from Mirabel Osler book reviews Tim Longville on ïGolden Harvest The Story of Daffodil Growing in Cornwall and the Isles of ScillyÍ by Andrew Tompsett Colin Martin on ïGardenesque _ A Celebration of Australian GardeningÍ by Richard Aitken. Index to issues 73-76.

HORTUS  78 (Summer 2006)

HORTUS 78 (Summer 2006)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Tim LongvilleÍs Snippets William Grant ïThe Inside Story Surprises in the Rose growing WorldÍ Peter Dale ïIn an Irish Garden Annes Grove Ralph Tanner ïGardening and CemeteriesÍ Peter James ïFoliaphilia is IncurableÍ (a scientist meets an architectural plant) Tony Venison ïArt and Irises ïCedric Morris at Benton EndÍ Diana Ross interviews Linda Phillips and David Perkins of Roots & Shoots Charles Elliott ïGetting it Wrong with Sir Francis BaconÍ Peter Parker ïA Horticultural Ramble in the London LibraryÍ. Book reviews Katie Campbell on books ïNancy Lancaster English Country House StyleÍ by Martin Wood and ïGardens in PerspectiveÍ by Jerry Harpur Rob Cassy on ïHow to Create a Jardin PaysanÍ by Louise Ranck Trevor Nottle on ïSet for a King 200 Years of Gardening at the Royal Pavilion, BrightonÍ by Mike Jones Elspeth Thompson on ïThe Essence of the GardenÍ by Hannah Willetts and ïEngland in ParticularÍ by Sue Clifford and Angela King Judith Tankard on ïThe Unknown Gertrude JekyllÍ selected and edited by Martin Wood John Akeroyd on ïOrnamental Plants from Russia and Adjacent States of the Former Soviet UnionÍ by Tatiana Shulkina and ïFlowers of CreteÍ by John Fielding and Nicholas Turland Christine Skelmersdale on ïTulips Species and Hybrids for the GardenerÍ by Richard Wilford Alex Dufort on ïThe Not So Little Book of DungÍ by Caroline Holmes Patricia Cleveland Peck on ïA Philosophy of GardensÍ by David E Cooper Katherine Swift on ïMiscelanea Structura CuriosaÍ by Samuel Chearnley

HORTUS  79 (Autumn 2006)

HORTUS 79 (Autumn 2006)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Noel KingsburyÍs Snippets Peter Dale ïIn an Irish Garden ButterstreamÍ Carolle Doyle ïInto AfricaÍ (Tatton ParkÍs educational work in Kenya Diana Ross interviews Christian Lamb, self confessed ïplantaholicÍ Anne Powell ïMiss Dorothy Higgins _ Willing to do AnythingÍ (from the First World War diaries of a Volutary Aid Detachment and Red Cross nurse, who made a garden) Tim Longville ïQuien Sabe? The Life and Work of Donald Curloss PeattieÍ Caradoc Doy ïThe Veitch Years ReviewedÍ Charles Elliott ïThe Maize MazeÍ Book Reviews Katie Campbell on ïThe Oxford Companion to the GardenÍ, edited by Patrick Taylor The EditorÍs Quarterly Book Bag (reviews of ïThe Gardens at HatfieldÍ by Sue Snell, ïGardens of The National Trust for ScotlandÍ by Francesca Greenoak, ïThe Garden at LevensÍ by Chris Crowder, ïCeanothusÍ by David Fross and Dieter Wilken, ïDaphnesÍ by Robin White, ïAlpine Plants of EuropeÍ by Jim Jermyn, ïHeucheras and HeucherellasÍ by Dan Heims and Grahame Ware, ïDogwoodsÍ by Paul Cappiello and Don Shadow, ïCrocosmia nd ChasmantheÍ by Peter Goldblatt, John Manning and Gary Dunlop, ïMore Papers from the Potting ShedÍ by Charles Elliott, and Food for Thought A Culinary Tour of the English GardenÍ by Simon Courtauld. Anne Jones blows the dust off ïThe VirginÍs Bower Clematis _ Climbing Kinds and Their Culture at Gravetye ManorÍ (1912) by Willliam Robinson.

HORTUS  80 (Winter 2006)

HORTUS 80 (Winter 2006)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Tim LongvilleÍs Snippets John Akeroyd ïWarming WinterÍs Dark DaysÍ Diana Ross interviews Dan Pearson Katie Campbell ïThe Enigma of the Villa di BellosguardoÍ Celia Fisher ïA Work to Wonder At The Creation of Stowe as a Landscape GardenÍ Mark Lutyens ïSome Thoughts on London TreesÍ Michael Cunningham ïOn Cutting Down TreesÍ Peter Parker ïFarewell the AllotmentsÍ Book Reviews Judith Tankard on ïItalian Gardens A Cultural HistoryÍ by Helena Attlee Charles Elliott on ïMy Darling Heriott Henrietta Luxborough, Poetic Gardener and Irrepressible ExileÍ by Jane Brown The EditorÍs Quarterly Book Bag (reviews of ïThe English GardenÍ by Ursula Buchan, ïIcons of Twentieth Century Landscape DesignÍ by Katie Campbell, ïHenry ShawÍs Victorian LandscapesÍ by Carol Grove, ïPlant Exploration for Longwood GardensÍ by Tomasz Anisko, ïLate Summer FlowersÍ by Marina Christopher, and ïSeedheads in the GardenÍ by Noel Kingsbury Rosemary Lindsay blows the dust off ïThe Small GardenÍ by C. E. Lucas Phillips Obituaries Valerie Finnis by Brent Elliott and Ursula Buchan T. R. (Tommy) Garnett by Anne Latreille.Christopher, and ïSeedheads in the GardenÍ by Noel Kingsbury Rosemary Lindsay blows the dust off ïThe Small GardenÍ by C. E. Lucas Phillips Obituaries Valerie Finnis by Brent Elliott and Ursula Buchan T. R. (Tommy) Garnett by Anne Latreille.

HORTUS  81 (Spring 2007)

HORTUS 81 (Spring 2007)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Mirabel Osler ïTwenty one Years A Personal ReflectionÍ on the twenty first anniversary year of HORTUS Catherine Beale ïA Notable Narcissus NurseryÍ John Akeroyd ïSuburban Spring A Sentimental JourneyÍ Rosemary Lindsay ïRecycling in Docklands The Thames Barrier ParkÍ Helena Attlee ïVilla CimbroneÍ Ambra Edwards ïPerspectives on the Taj Radical Restoration at a World Heritage SiteÍ Michael Cunningham ïDefinitive Answers or , Bring on the Lily of the Valley?Í Diana Ross interviews poet, novelist and gardener Ronald Blythe Katherine Lambert and Tim Rock ïSomething Old, Something New Garden Visiting Down the AgesÍ Patricia Cleveland Peck ïThree Hundred Years of LinnaeusÍ William Grant ïOn the Road to Roses Í James Cross ïLegal Liability for Damage Caused by Trees (A Response)Í Peter Parker ïThe Gardens of William Sansom (Gardens in Fiction) Charles Elliott on ïWoodlandsÍ by Oliver Rackham ïThe EditorÍs Quarterly Book BagÍ reviews of ïThe Night Life of TreesÍ, ïStrange BloomsÍ by Jennifer Potter, ïPlants, People and PlacesÍ by Julia Brittain, Í20 Sussex GardensÍ by Lorraine Harrison.

HORTUS  82 (Summer 2007)

HORTUS 82 (Summer 2007)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Who Said ƒ? Competition John Akeroyd ïTwo Iconic OrchidsÍ (the bee and the pyramidal) Ambra Edwards ïA GardenerÍs Wanderings in the South of EnglandÍ Tim Longville ïThe Northern WandererÍ Peter Dale ïIn an Irish Garden DerreenÍ Diana Ross interviews Professor James Lovelock Tony Venison ïHidden In IrisesÍ (the people behind the names of Cedric MorrisÍs ïBentonÍ irises) Betty Kershaw ïMore Light on Goethe as Botanist, Gardener, NaturalistÍ Charles Elliott ïLuther BurbankÍ Book Reviews Tim Longville on ïThe Anatomry of DessertÍ by Edward A. Bunyard and ïThe Downright Epicure Essays on Edward Ashdown BunyardÍ by Edward Wilson Charles Elliott on ïGifts From the Gardens of China The Introduction of Traditional Chinese Garden Plants to Britain, 1698 1862Í by Jane Kilpatrick Patricia Cleveland Peck on ïVenetian GardensÍ by Mariagrazia Dammico Tim Longville on ïEast Wind Melts the IceÍ by Liza Dalby The EditorÍs Quarterly Book Bag ïVilla Gardens of the MediterraneanÍ by Kathryn Bradley Hole, ïVizcaya An American Villa and Its MakersÍ by Witold Rybczynski and Laurie Olin ïEncyclopedia of Grasses for Livable LandscapesÍ by Rick Darke, and ïPolicies and Pleasaunces A Guide to the Gardens of ScotlandÍ by Katie Campbell.

HORTUS  83 (Autumn 2007)

HORTUS 83 (Autumn 2007)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Ambra Edwards ïGarden Visiting A Summer Washout, But The Show Must Go OnÍ Tim Longville ïThe Northern WandererÍ Jo Manby ïConsolation of the Land The Dingle Garden and Nursery, Welshpool, PowysÍ Peter Dale ïDublin and the Dillon GardenÍ Faith Raven ïArdtornish House A Year in a Scottish GardenÍ Celia Fisher ïThe Lost Garden of Lyvden New BieldÍ Katie Campbell ïLes Quatres VentsÍ in Quebec, CanadaÍ Helena Attlee ïVilla san RemigioÍ Anna Piussi ïLiminal Space _ the hortus exclususÍ Book Reviews Anthony Du Gard Pasley on ïThe Great Edwardian Gardens of Harold PetoÍ by Robin Whalley Peter Parker on ïThe Wild Braid A Poet Reflects on a Century in the GardenÍ by Stanley Kunitz with Genine Lentine The EditorÍs Quarterly Book Bag ïWildwood A Journey Through TreesÍ by Roger Deakin ïViburnums Flowering Shrubs for Every SeasonÍ by Michael Dirr ïGardening with Woodland PlantsÍ by Karan Junker ïA Year in the Life of an English MeadowÍ by Andy Garnett and Polly Devlin, and ïThe Garden at HidcoteÍ by Fred Whitsey.

HORTUS  84 (Winter 2007)

HORTUS 84 (Winter 2007)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Diana Ross interviews Tony Schilling Tim Longville ïThe Norther WandererÍ (Stobo Castle, Haystoun, Mindrum and Corsock House) Ronald Blythe ïIn the WintertimeÍ Paul Binding ïIn NorrlandÍ Mirabel Osler ïBeyond the Golden WreckageÍ Sam Llewellyn ïBlue DreamingÍ William Grant ïCalifornia A Different Sort of WinterÍ John Everett ïBees AfloatÍ Simon Irvine ïGothic GardeningÍ (Sweden A Remarkable Showcase) John Akeroyd ïConcerning CatkinsÍ Katherine Swift ïThe Morville Hours V DirigeÍ Isabelle Van Groeningen ïBerlinÍs Brave New VentureÍ Judith Tankard ïGarland Farm Beatrix FarrandÍs Last Home and GardenÍ Michael Cunningham ïAmy ClampittÍs Ode to ResilienceÍ Gwen Ford ïFull Score An Australian Garden OpenÍ Book Reviews Judith Tankard on ïNorah Lindsay The Life and Art of a Garden DesignerÍ by Allyson Hayward Tim Longville on ïGarden and ClimateÍ by Chip Sullivan The EditorÍs Quarterly Book Bag ïHelen Dillon s Garden BookÍ by Helen Dillon, ïExotic Planting for Adventurous GardenersÍ by Christopher Lloyd, ïPotted HistoryÍ by Catherine Horwood, ïHidden Trees of BritainÍ by Archie Miles, ïConifers for Gardens An Illustrated EncyclopediaÍ by Richard Bitner, ïThe Royal Horticultural Society Treasury of TreeÍ by Charles Elliott, ïTopiary for KidsÍ by Louella Odi_ And Blowing the Dust offƒ Rosemary Lindsay on ïGardenerÍs NightcapÍ by Muriel Stuart.

HORTUS  85 (Spring 2008)

HORTUS 85 (Spring 2008)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Sam Llewellyn ïSpring Ahoy! Ambra Edwards ïA GardenerÍs Wanderings in the South of EnglandÍ Anne de Verteuil ïThe Gibberd GardenÍ Peter Dale ïIn An Irish Garden KilmokeaÍ Tim Longville ïTim Stead Seizing the Day, Taking the RiskÍ Helena Attlee ïUnder a Portuguese SkyÍ Kristina Taylor ïA Tour of Japanese GardensÍ Charles Elliott ïPruning Japanese StyleÍ Mark Lutyens ïSome Thoughts on Garden DesignÍ Charles Quest Ritson ïGardening with Olive TreeÍ Anna Piussi ïSacred OlivesÍ Tim Longville ïThe Admirable Mrs KingÍ book reviews Katie Campbell on ïGarden Design in Denmark G. N. Brandt and the Early Decades of the Twentieth CenturyÍ by Lulu Salto Stephensen Anna Buxton on ïNatureÍs Alchemist John Parkinson, Herbalist to Charles IÍ by Anna Parkinson The EditorÍs Quarterly Book Bag ïGardens of the Lake DistrictÍ by Tim Longville, ïA GardenerÍs LifeÍ by the Dowager Marchioness of Salisbury, ïCreative Vegetable GardeningÍ by Joy Larkom, ïThe Kitchen Gardener Grow Your Own Fruit and VegÍ by Alan Titchmarsh, ïPropitious Esculent The Potato in World HistoryÍ by John Reader, ïCamellias The GardenerÍs EncyclopediaÍ by Jennifer Trehane, ïGardens of Europe A TravellerÍs GuideÍ by Charles Quest Ritson, ïThe Frampton FloraÍ by Richard Mabey, ïThe Botanical Palette Colour for the Botanical PainterÍ by Margaret Stevens, ïColour Travels Through the PaintboxÍ by Victoria Finlay, RHS Wisley Handbooks, some of which include Martin Rickard on ferns, David Hibberd on hardy geraniums, Peter Ward on primroses and auriculas, Diana Grenfell on hostas, Graham Rice on hellebores, Timothy Walker on euphorbias and the late Michael Jefferson Brown on lilies. Index to issues 81-84

HORTUS  86 (Summer 2008)

HORTUS 86 (Summer 2008)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

TradescantÍs Diary Hugh Johnson Sam Llewellyn ïTwo Summer SunrisesÍ John Akeroyd ïHail to Honeysuckle the Scent of SummertimeÍ Peter Dale ïIn an Irish Garden Mount UsherÍ Simon Eade ïPompeii, Hever Castle and the WorldÍs Richest ManÍ Patricia Cleveland Peck ïCharleston RevisitedÍ Humphrey Stone ïReynolds Stone and The Old Rectory Garden, Litton CheneyÍ Diana Ross ïInterview with Lucinda Lambton at Home in BuckinghamshireÍ Jenny Balfour Paul ïItÍs in the Jeans ( Indigo Beyond the Blue Horizon)Í Charles Elliott ïWild West WindÍ Irene Feesey ïLooking Back Three Victoria Gardening ScribesÍ Tim Longville ïPersonal and Pleasing (Buckner Hollingsworth Tomboy, Gardener, Chronicler of Gardeners and Gardens)Í The EditorÍs Quarterly Book Bag ïTravels in ChinaÍ by Roy Lancaster, ïFrank Kingdon WardÍs Riddle of the Tsangpo GorgesÍ edited by Kenneth Cox, ïIn Search of Remarkable TreesÍ by Thomas Pakenham, ïGardens of PortugalÍ by Helena Attlee, ïGarden Plants for ScotlandÍ by Kenneth Cox and Raoul Curtis Machin.

HORTUS  87 (Autumn 2008)

HORTUS 87 (Autumn 2008)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

TradescantÍs Diary Hugh Johnson John Akeroyd ïA Welcome Immigrant The Horse Chestnut Past and FutureÍ Bryan Forbes ïFlowers are Not for HereÍ Rosemary Lindsay ïNothing Superfluous, Nothing UnlovedÍ (The Garden at Parham Park. Sussex) William Grant ïWarm Tea?Í (tea roses) Tim Longville ïPicture of a Floating WorldÍ (Norfolk and four of its watery gardens) Sukie Amory ïEros toi Sofia (Sofiyivka A Garden of Allusion in Ukraine _ Part One)Í Diana Ross meets Princess Greta Sturdza in her Normandy gardenÍ Tim Longville ïVitaÍs Other Other World or Truth Stranger Than FictionÍ Charles Elliott ïPiercefield and the PicturesqueÍ Sam Llewellyn ïMoodswingsÍ Book Reviews Betty Kershaw on ïRussian Parks and GardensÍ by Peter Hayden, and Peter Parker on ïGardeners Encounters with Exceptional PeopleÍ by Diana Ross.

HORTUS  88 (Winter 2008)

HORTUS 88 (Winter 2008)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

TradescantÍs Diary Hugh Johnson Joan Loraine ïHunting the DogÍs ToothÍ (Erythroniums in the Gardens and in the Wild, Part One) Rosemary Lindsay ïMy London GardenÍ Ambra Edwards ïInestimable dÍEsteÍ Tim Longville ïI am Vere SaturninusÍ (The Long Strange Life of Sir Herbert Maxwell of Monreith) Peter Parker ïChalo! Chalo!Í (The Jagannath Ghat Flower Market, Calcutta) Stephanie Boudazin ïA Poetic Love of PearsÍ (Jean Baptiste De La Quintaine, 1624 88) Sukie Amory ïEros toi Sofia (Sofiyivka A Garden of Allusion in Ukraine _ Part Two)Í Charles Elliott ïThe Knotweed ChallengeÍ Sam Llewellyn ïWhat shall we do with the Snowbound Aesthete?Í Book Reviews Judith Tankard on ïWilliam Robinson The Wild GardenerÍ by Richard Bisgrove, and Peter Parker on ïDefiant Gardens Making Gardens in WartimeÍ by Kenneth I. Helphand. The EditorÍs Quarterly Book Bag ïSeeds of AdventureÍ by Peter Cox and Peter Hutchison, ïCloseÍ by Allan Pollok Morris, ïIslamic Gardens and LandscapesÍ by D. Fairchild Ruggles, ïChicago Gardens The Early HistoryÍ by Cathy Jean Maloney, ïMr RoscoeÍs GardenÍ by Jyll Bradley

HORTUS  89 (Spring 2009)

HORTUS 89 (Spring 2009)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

TradescantÍs Diary Hugh Johnson John Akeroyd ïLittle Suns at WinterÍs EndÍ (In Praise of the Lesser Celandine) Paul Williams ïEuphorbia EuphoriaÍ Charles Elliott ïThe GLPÍ (The Gold Laced Polyanthus) Joan Loraine ïHunting the DogÍs ToothÍ (Erythroniums in the Gardens and in the Wild, Part Two) Diana Ross meets Stephen Venables, Moutaineer/ Gardener Peter Dale ïIn an Irish Garden AltamontÍ Marta McDowell ïHollywood and VineÍ (A GardenerÍs Guide to Film) Sukie Amory ïEros toi Sofia (Sofiyivka A Garden of Allusion in Ukraine _ Part Three) Sam Llewellyn ïThe Spring ExpressÍ Book Reviews Sue Gee on ïThe Morville HoursÍ by Katherine Swift, Charles Quest Ritson on ïEugenioÍs New Neighbours in Spanish GaliciaÍ by Margaret Gimson The EditorÍs Quarterly Book Bag ïOutsidersÍ by Ronald Blythe, ïFigs, Dates , Laurel, and Myrrh (Plants of the Bible and the Quran)Í by Lytton John Musselman, ïThe Gardens at KewÍ by Allen Paterson ïNature Over Again The Garden Art of Ian Hamilton FinlayÍ by John Dixon Hunt. Index to issues 85 88 (2008).

HORTUS  90 (Summer 2009)

HORTUS 90 (Summer 2009)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

TradescantÍs Diary Hugh Johnson Paul Williams ïMelianthus major a Desert Island Plant? Lorraine Harrison ïSeedy SaturdayÍ Charles Elliott ïLong Live the Seeds!Í Joan Loraine ïHunting the DogÍs Tooth Erythroniums in the Garden and in the Wild _ Part ThreeÍ Christine Reid ïGardening in the DragonÍs Breath Australia and Its Recent Forest FiresÍ Diana Ross meets John Brookes John Akeroyd ïAt Home in Charles DarwinÍs GardenÍ Patricia Cleveland Peck ïThe DuchessÍ Folly El Capricho, MadridÍ Sukie Amory ïEros toi Sofia _ a Garden of Allusion in Ukraine. Part Four Tim Longville ïRembering Betty KershawÍ Sam Llewellyn ïA Voyage in the WestÍ Book Reviews Claire Fletcher on ïScotland for Gardeners The Guide to Scottish Gardens, Nurseries and Garden CentresÍ by Kenneth Cox, Tim Longville on ïCitrus A HistoryÍ by Pierre Laszlo and ïThe WallÍ by John Cannell The EditorÍs Quarterly Book Bag Woody Cut Stems for Growers and FloristsÍ by Lane Greer and John Dole, ïOrnamental GrassesÍ by Stefan Leppert, ïA Garden in the HillsÍ by Alan Tait, ïInspiring Sussex GardensÍ by Lorraine Harrison, ïWild Flowers of Britain and IrelandÍ by Rae Spencer Jones and Sarah Cuttle, ïSufficient A Modern Guide to Sustainable LivingÍ by Tom Petherick

HORTUS  91 (Autumn 2009)

HORTUS 91 (Autumn 2009)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

TradescantÍs Diary Hugh Johnson Paul Williams ïCupbeas Anyone? Joan Loraine ïHunting the DogÍs ToothÍ Fourth and concluding part) Shaun Haddock ïLobÍs Wood ƒa la francaiseÍ Diana Ross meets Roy Strong Angelica Gray ïA Walk in the Park The Arsat Moulay Abdeslam Cyber Park, MarrakeshÍ Peter Dale ïIn an Irish Garden æ Birr Castle and DemesneÍ Tiggy Salt ïThe English Cemetery, FlorenceÍ Charles Elliott ïFrauds and FigmentsÍ Tony Venison ïBulbs at Benton EndÍ Anna Buxton ïThe Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society The First Two Hundred YearsÍ Sam Llewellyn ïNorth and SouthÍ Book Reviews Judith Tankard on ïParadise of Exiles _ The Anglo American Gardens of FlorenceÍ by Katie Campbell, Robin Whalley on ïThomas Mawson æ Life, Gardens and LandscapesÍ by Janet Waymark, Patricia Cleveland Peck on ïMary McMurtrieÍs Country Garden FlowersÍ by Timothy Clark

HORTUS  92 (Winter 2009)

HORTUS 92 (Winter 2009)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

TradescantÍs Diary æ Hugh Johnson Paul Williams ïParrotia persicaÍ Joan Loraine ïChristmas Flowers from my GardenÍ Helena Attlee ïIl Biviere æ A Post Diluvian Garden in SicilyÍ Tim Longville ïIt is Good to be the King æ Heywood, County Laois, Ireland Its Past, Present and (Uncertain Future)Í Rosemary Lindsay ïA Postcard from New YorkÍ Charles Elliott ïJaponaiserieÍ Edward Wilson ïVandas Will Never Cease Captain W.E. Johns and Dangerous OrchidsÍ Brent Elliott ïSwinburneÍs ïForsaken GardenÍ John Brookes remembers Anthony du Gard Pasley, 1929 2009 Sam Llewellyn ïTime for Another BonfireÍ Book Reviews æ Mark Lutyens on ïSpirit Garden InspirationÍ by Dan Pearson, Christine Skelmersdale on ïBulbÍ by Anna Pavord, Constance Casey on ïThe ExplorerÍs Garden. Shrubs and Vines from the Four Corners of the WorldÍ by Daniel J Hinkley, Sukie Amory on ïRemarkable Trees of VirginiaÍ by Nancy Ross Hugo and Jeff Kirwin The EditorÍs Quarterly Book Bag ïJelena and Robert De Belder Generous as Nature ItselfÍ by Diane Andriaenssen, ïOxford TreesÍ by Sophie Huxley, ïBotanic Gardens A Living HistoryÍ by various authors and edited by Nadine Kathe Monem, ïExtraordinary Gardens of the WorldÍ by Monty Don, ïGardens of the Loire ValleyÍ by Marie Franoise Val_ry, ïGreat Gardens of AmericaÍ by Tim Richardson, ïThe Gardens of the VaticanÍ by Kildare Dobbs, ïEncyclopedia of Exotic Plants for Temperate ClimatesÍ by Will Giles, ïThe New Oxford Book of Food PlantsÍ by John Vaughan and Catherine Geissler, ïComplete Fruit BookÍ by Bob Flowerdew, ïAn IrishmanÍs CuttingsÍ by Charles E. Nelson, ïFlowers of the LouvreÍ by Michel Lis and B_atrice Vingtrinier, ïPicturing PlantsÍ by Gill Saunders, ïHugh Johnson in the GardenÍ by Hugh Johnson and ïBack to the GardenÍ by Ursula Buchan 2009 Overview æ This YearÍs Best Garden Reading briefly reviewed by John Akeroyd, Angelica Gray, Charles Elliott, Guy Jones, Rosemary Lindsay, Judith Tankard, Anne de Verteuil, Gregory Long, Charles Quest Ritson, Marta McDowell and Elspeth Thompson.æ Books nominated are æ ïDarwinÍs Island æ the Galapagos in the Garden of EnglandÍ by Professor Steve Jones, ïParadise of Exiles æ The Anglo American Gardens of FlorenceÍ by Katie Campbell, ïA Shelter in the Garden æ Playhouses, Treehouses, Gazebos, Sheds and Other Outdoor StructuresÍ by Pierre Nessman, ïThe Morville HoursÍ by Katherine Swift, ïParadise of ExilesÍ by Katie Campbell, ïNatural Garden Style æ Gardening Inspired by NatureÍ by Noel Kingsbury, ïBulbÍ by Anna Pavord, ïCharles LathamÍs Gardens of Italy æ From the Archives of Country LifeÍ by Helena Attlee, ïOrnamental Grasses æ Wolfgang Oehme and the New American GardenÍ by Stefan Leppert, ïManual of Woody Landscape Plants Their Identification, Ornamental Characteristics, Culture, Propagation, and UsesÍ by Michael Dirr, ïBeatrix Farrand æ Private Gardens, Public LandscapesÍ by Judith B Tankard, ïParks, Plants, and People æ Beautifying the Urban LandscapeÍ by Lynden B Miller, ïGreat Gardens of AmericaÍ by Tim Richardson with photography by Andrea Jones, ïGarden Gnomes æ A HistoryÍ by Twigs Way, ïSpirit æ Garden InspirationÍ by Dan Pearson and ïOrganic Gardening æ The Whole StoryÍ by Alan and Jackie Gea

HORTUS  93 (Spring 2010)

HORTUS 93 (Spring 2010)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

TradescantÍs Diary æ Hugh Johnson Paul Williams æ ïIberis sempervirensÍ Joan Loraine æ ïPick of the Bunch SpringÍ John Akeroyd æ ïGive Weeds a ChanceÍ Diana Ross meets Penelope Hobhouse Ambra Edwards ïDavid Austin and the Romance of the RoseÍ Tim Longville ïExiles æ The Old Zoo, LancashireÍ Sean Swallow æ ïBeauty, TruthÍ Charles Elliott æ ïH. Avray Tipping and a Debate ReconciledÍ Irene Feesey æ ïMultum in Parvo æ Plants and Sacheverell SitwellÍs Art of the EssayÍ Carolle Doyle ïThe Ornamental Hermit A Strange HistoryÍ Sam Llewellyn ïWedding FeverÍ Diana Ross remembers Princess Greta Sturdza (1915 2009) Book Review æ Tim Longville on ïOn Chinese GardensÍ by Chen Congzhou with an Introduction by Alison Hardie The EditorÍs Quarterly Book Bag æ ïOrchard æ A Year in the Life of a Herefordshire Cider OrchardÍ by Gareth Rees Roberts, ïA Walk in the Woods æ Exploring BritainÍs Greatest WoodlandÍ by Archie Miles, ïA Year in the Life of WestonbirtÍ by Sarah Howard, ïJapanese Maples æ The Complete Guide to Selection and CultivationÍ by the late J.D. Vertrees and Peter Gregory, ïTrees for All Seasons æ Broadleaved Evergreens for Temperate ClimatesÍ by Sean Hogan, ïÍConifers of the World æ The Complete ReferenceÍ by James E. Eckenwalder, ïA Clearing in the Woods æ Creating Contemporary GardensÍ by Roger Foley and ïIvington DiariesÍ by Monty DonÍ.

HORTUS  94 (Summer 2010)

HORTUS 94 (Summer 2010)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

TradescantÍs Diary Hugh Johnson Paul Williams ïClimbing and TwiningÍ Joan Loraine ïPick of the Bunch SummerÍ Sue Gee ïA Truly Magical Place Titley Mill, HerefordshireÍ Diana Ross meets Alan Titchmarsh Peter J. James ïOur Debt to the Basal MeristemÍ Sukie Amory ïThe Gift A WPA Garden in VirginiaÍ Charles Elliott ïWild AnimalsÍ Sam Llewellyn ïBeing and NothingnessÍ Book Review Tim Longville on ïA Garden in My Life and Garden TalesÍ by Cynthia Ramsden The EditorÍs Quarterly Book Bag ïHistoric Gardens of SomersetÍ by Timothy Mowl and Marion Mako, ïGardens of DorsetÍ by Roger Lane, ïThe Garden at Charleston A Bloomsbury Garden Through the SeasonsÍ by Sue Snell, ïBloomÍs Best Perennials and GrassesÍ by Adrian Bloom, ïÍMeadows by DesignÍ by John Greenlee, ïTall PerennialsÍ by Roger Turner ïGreen FlowersÍ by Alison Hoblyn, ïNew Encyclopedia of HostasÍ by Diana Greenfell and Michael Shadrack, ïThe Pruning of Trees, Shrubs and ConifersÍ by Tony Kirkham, ïPlanting and Maintaining a Tree CollectionÍ by Simon Toomer, ïJekkaÍs Herb BookÍ by Jekka McVicar and ïThe Realm of Fig and QuinceÍ by Ria Loohuizen.

HORTUS  95 (Autumn 2010)

HORTUS 95 (Autumn 2010)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

TradescantÍs Diary Hugh Johnson Paul Williams ïVariegation? A Consideration of Hakonechloa macra ïAureolaÍ Joan Loraine ïPick of the Bunch AutumnÍ John Akeroyd ïThe Leaving of SuburbiaÍ Katie Campbell ïDesigning Sri Lanka The Life and Work of Geoffrey BawaÍ Carolle Doyle ïA Hundred Years On The Japan_British Exhibition, 1910Í Victoria Martin ïShanghai GardensÍ Tim Longville ïA Perfect Botanical Dictionary The Life of Georgiana Molloy, An Early English Collector of Australian PlantsÍ Charles Elliott ïTime and the GardenÍ Gwen Ford ïA Poet in the GardenÍ Sam Llewellyn ïMellow Frightfulness? Book Reviews Peter James on Hybrid ïThe History and Science of Plant Breeding by Noel Kingsbury, Patricia Cleveland Peck on Mr HamiltonÍs Elysium The Gardens of Painshill by Michael Symes, William Grant on Ninfa The Most Romantic Garden in the World by Charles Quest Ritson, and Judith Tankard on Romantic Gardens Nature, Art, and Landscape Design by Elizabeth Barlow Rogers, Elizabeth S. Eustis and John Bidwell The EditorÍs Quarterly Book Bag Thoughful Gardening Practical Gardening in Harmony with Nature by Ed Ikin, Thoughtful Gardening by Robin Lane Fox, The Curious Gardener by Anna Pavord, Of Gardens by Paula Deitz, Dear Christo Memories of Christopher Lloyd at Great Dixter prefaced by Fergus Garrett and Rosemary, New Trees Recent Introductions to Cultivation by John Grimshaw and Ross Bayton, Cotoneasters A Comprehensive Guide to Shrubs for Flowers, Fruit, and Foliage by Jeanette Fryer and Bertil Hylm_ Bark An Intimate Look at the WorldÍs Trees by C_dric Pollet, Prairie Style Gardens by Lynn Steiner, Correas Australian Plants for Waterwise Gardens by Maria Hitchcock and English & Irish Delftware 1570_1840 by Aileen Dawson

HORTUS  96 (Winter 2010)

HORTUS 96 (Winter 2010)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

TradescantÍs Diary Hugh Johnson Paul Williams ïCool Cotoneasters Peter Dale ïIn an Irish Garden Carraig Abhainn, DuffasÍ Sukie Amory ïOur Burnished Stamping Ground The Public Garden, BostonÍ Victoria Martin ïGardens of the Yangzhou Salt Merchants Charles Nelson ïThe Robins of LawnakillaÍ Charles Elliott ïLogsÍ Sam Llewellyn ïA Rich FilthÍ Thomas Cooper A Life in Letters Wayne Winterrowd, 1941 2010Í Book Review Peter James on ïWeeds How Vagabond Plants Gatecrashed Civilisation and Changed the Way We Think about NatureÍ by Richard Mabey The EditorÍs Quarterly Book Bag The Butterfly Isles by Patrick Barkham, Gardens of th World The Great Traditions by Rory Stuart, The Gardens of English Heritage by Gillian Mawrey and Linden Groves, The Wild Garden Expanded Edition by Rick Drake, The Apple Book by Rosie Sanders, Espalier by Allen Gilbert, A Taste of the Unexpected by Mark Diacono, Mediterranean Kitchen Garden by Mariano Bueno, Harvest by Meredith Kirton, Pick of the Bunch by Margaret Willes and Bizarre Botanicals by Larry Mellichamp.

HORTUS  97 (Spring 2011)  out of print

Out of print Tradescant's Diary Hugh Johnsn Paul Williams 'The Thrill of the Ordinary' Clare Roberts 'Tipperariana An Irish Tale of Snowdrops, Chorus Girls, A Racing Scandal and Giant Hogweed' Tony Venison 'The Benton End Provenance' Jean Kenward 'From Makeshift to Magic' Rosemary Lindsay 'Jardins Remarquables' Noel Kingsbury 'China' Peter Parker 'The Agri Horticultural Society of India and its Winter Flower Show' Marta McDowell 'When Thoreau was Emerson's Gardener' Charles Elliott 'Wired' Tom Petherick 'From the Home Patch' Sam Llewellyn 'Beware! Spring!' Letter to the Editor Book Reviews Anne de Verteuil on Brenda Colvin A Career in Landscape by Trish Gibson, Judith Tankard on Envisioning the Garden Line, Scale, Distance, Form, Colour and Meaning by Robert Mallet and Helen Gunn on The Garden in the Clouds by Antony Woodward The EditorÍs Quarterly Book Bag The Rose by Jennifer Potter, Crocuses A Complete Guide to the Genus by Janis Ruksans, Botany for Gardeners by Brian Capon, The Informed Gardener Blooms by Linda Chalker Scott, Designing With Grasses by Neil Lucas, Growing Food by Anna Pavord, Orchards in the Oasis by Josceline Dimbleby and In the Garden with the Totterings by Annie Tempest Index to HORTUS issues 93 96 (2010).

HORTUS  98 (Summer 2011)

HORTUS 98 (Summer 2011)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

TradescantÍs Diary Hugh Johnsn Paul Williams ïA Poisoned Challice Solandra maximaÍ Caroline Harbouri ïOf Growing Importance The Mediterranean Garden SocietyÍ Diana Ross ïThe Monk and the Beast Diana talks to Tom Stuart SmithÍ Sukie Amory ïDesire Under the ElmsÍ Victoria Martin ïJapanese Moss Balls Minutes of Enjoyable Creativity, Months of Aesthetic BlissÍ Patricia Cleveland Peck ïFresh Ideas Imbued with Memories The Gardens at Sofiero Castle, SwedenÍ Katie Campbell ïA Thrilling Pentimento Il Trebbio, TuscanyÍ Tom Petherick ïFrom the Home PatchÍ Charles Elliott ïImaginary PlantsÍ Sam Llewellyn ïThe Duchess ReturnsÍ The EditorÍs Quarterly Book Bag Auriculas Through the Ages by Patricia Cleveland Peck, Flowers of the Renaissance by Celia Fisher, Planting Paradise Cultivating the Garden 1510 1900 by Dr Stephen Harris, Great Gardens of Italy by Monty Don, Great Gardens of Britain by Helena Attlee and A Potted History of Vegetables by Mike Darton.

HORTUS  99 (Autumn 2011)

HORTUS 99 (Autumn 2011)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

TradescantÍs Diary Hugh Johnson Paul Williams ïThe Day Jobƒwith BenefitsÍ Stephanie Boudazin ïPlease Walk on the Grass? The Kitchen Gardens, Chäteau de Valmer, Loire ValleyÍ James Driver ïThe Gardens of Sir George Macleay at Pendell Court, SurreyÍ Lorraine Harrison ïOnly Connect Tales of a Struggling EnvironmentalistÍ Charles Nelson ïLong Live the Weeds?Í William Grant ïLetting GoÍ Christian Lamb ïAbandoning a Much loved GardenÍ Shaun Haddock ïThe A to Z WalkÍ Peter Dale ïWhatÍs in a Name?Í Charles Elliott ïFruit The OrchardÍ Tom Petherick ïFrom the Home PatchÍ Sam Llewellyn ïAll at SeaÍ Book Reviews Vanessa Berridge on Edwardian Country Life The Story of H. Avray TippingÍ by Helena Gerrish and Judith Tankard on One WriterÍs Garden Eudora WeltyÍs Home Place by Susan Haltom and Jane Roy Brown The EditorÍs Quarterly Book Bag Seeing Trees by Nancy Ross Hugo, The Art of Mindful Walking by Adam Ford, ItalyÍs Private Gardens An Inside View by Helena Attlee, Close to Paradise The Gardens of Naples, Capri and the Amalfi Coast by Robert I. C. Fisher, This Island Adventure by Christian Lamb, Vanilla Orchids Natural History and Cultivation by Ken Cameron, The Blandys of Madeira 1811 2011 by Marcus Binney and The Gardens at Castle Howard by Mike Kipling.

HORTUS  100 (Winter 2011)

HORTUS 100 (Winter 2011)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Tradescant's Diary: Hugh Johnson; Paul Williams: 'Common Beauty' Ronald Blythe: 'October the Seventeeth, 2011' Penelope Hobhouse: 'Malus californica: or, a New Garden for Mr J.' Jane Brown: 'Greetings from 'Little Gidding' Country' Stephen Lacey: 'Home Thoughts from Abroad' Tim Longville: 'Against the Odds: The Garden at Langwell Lodge, Caithness' Noel Kingsbury: 'Planting: a Twenty-five year Perspective' John Brookes: 'Digging for the Personal and the Vernacular' Ruth Padel: 'My Grandmother: Nora Barlow' Katie Campbell: 'A Modern Sacro Bosco: Niki De Saint Phalle's Giardino Dei Tarocchi' John Akeroyd: 'Flowerpot Tyrant' Sukie Amory: 'Pilgrim Lilacs, 'Making Poetry out of a Bit of Moonlight' Charles Elliott: 'A Centenary of Cherries' Peter Parker: 'Mr Gordon and his Pocket Dictionary' Martin Pilkington: 'Orwell as Gardener' Tom Petherick: 'From the Home Patch' Sam Llewellyn: 'Not Just the Weather' Judith Tankard: 'The Turning Tide: America's Best Gardening Books Published in the past Twenty-Five Years' Book Reviews: Mark Lutyens on 'Drawing for Landscape Architecture' by Edward Hutchison and Rosemary Lindsay on 'The Golden Age of Flowers: Botanical Illustration in the Age of Discovery 1600-1800' by Celia Fisher; The Editor's Quarterly Book Bag: his best garden reading over the last twenty-five years.

HORTUS  101 (Spring 2012)

HORTUS 101 (Spring 2012)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Tradescant's Diary: Hugh Johnson; Paul Williams: 'Lathyrus verna: A Spring Chameleon'; Michael Loftus: 'Edges, Fancies, Stripes and Selfs: The Alluring World of Auriculas'; Roger Pietroni: 'Box Blight and Bereavement'; Penelope Hobhouse: 'Francis Cabot, 1925-2011'; Caroline Burgess: 'Stonecrop Gardens, Cold Spring, New York. Part One: Spring';Patricia Cleveland-Peck: 'John Criswick: Plantsman of Grenada'; Jane Brown: 'That Which We Call a. Rose: Lancelot Brown and his Blue Plaque';Tim Longville: 'He Passed it On: A Celebration of Theo A. Stephens and his Magazine 'The Garden' - Part One'; Sam Llewellyn: 'Before the Storm of Spring'; Book Review: Peter Dale on 'In the Footsteps of Augustine Henry' by Seamus O'Brien; The Editor's Quarterly Book Bag: The Heirloom Tomato by Amy Goldman, Growing Great Tomatoes by Mike McGrath, Exploring Gardens and Green Spaces by Magda Salvesen, Chanticleer: A Pleasure Garden by Adrian Higgins, Embroidered Ground: Revisiting the Garden by Page Dickey, Writing the Garden: A Literary Conversation Across Two Centuries by Elizabeth Barlow Rogers, Why Every Man Needs a Tractor by Charles Elliott, Fern Fever by Sarah Whittingham and A Veritable Eden by Ann Brooks.

HORTUS  102 (Summer 2012)

HORTUS 102 (Summer 2012)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Tradescant's Diary: Hugh Johnson; Paul Williams: 'Plant Tunes'; Michael Loftus: 'Violas All the Way: Viola cornuta Viola Hybrids and Violettas'; Tom Petherick: 'From the Home Patch'; Peter Dale: 'In an Irish Garden: The Gardens of June and Jimi Blake'; Caroline Burgess: 'Stonecrop Gardens, Cold Spring, New York: Part Two: Summer'; Stephen A. Morrell: 'Reflections on the Journey: The John P. Humes Japanese Stroll Garden'; Rosemary Lindsay: 'Painting Ladies: Mary Grierson and Beryl Walden'; Tim Longville: 'He Passed it On: A Celebration of Theo A. Stephens and his Magazine 'My Garden' Part Two; Sam Llewellyn: 'Serendipitousness'; Book Review: Judith Tankard on 'The Vertical Garden: From Nature to the City' by Patrick Blanc; The Editor's Quarterly Book Bag: Gertrude Jekyll and the Country House Garden by Judith Tankard, Dirr's Encyclopedia of Trees and Shrubs by Michael Dirr, The Book of Leaves by Allen Coombes, Plants : A Very Short Introduction by Timothy Walker, Designing and Planting Borders by Roger Harvey, Planting the Dry Shade Garden: The Best Plants for the Toughest Spot in Your Garden by Graham Rice, Small Green Roofs by Nigel Dunnett, Dusty Gedge, John Little and Ed Snodgrass, A Year in the Life of Beth Chatto's Gardens by Fergus Garrett and Why Willows Weep: Contemporary Tales from the Woods by Tracy Chevalier and Simon Prosser.

HORTUS  103 (Autumn 2012)

HORTUS 103 (Autumn 2012)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Tradescant's Diary: Hugh Johnson; Paul Williams: Anomatheca laxa; Charles Quest-Ritson: 'A Kind Man: In Praise of Chris Brickell'; Caroline Burgess: 'Stonecrop Gardens, Cold Spring, New York: Part Three: Autumn'; Tim Longville: 'He Passed it On: A Celebration of Theo A. Stephens and his Magazine 'My Garden' Part Three; Andrew Hornung: 'Italian Gardeners Great and Small'; Tom Petherick: 'From the Home Patch'; Sam Llewellyn: 'Serpents of the Marches'; Book Reviews: Diana Ross on 'A Time to Plant: Life and Gardening at Holker' by Hugh Cavendish; Ambra Edwards on 'Led by the Land' by Kim Wilkie; The Editor's Quarterly Book Bag: Guide to the Flowers of Western China by Christopher Grey-Wilson and Phillip Cribb; Cacti and Succulents for Cold Climates by Leo J. Chance; Agaves: Living Sculptures for Landscapes and Containers by Greg Starr; The Encyclopedia of Cultivated Palms by Robert Riffle,Paul Craft and Scott Zona; Just Vegetating: A Memoir by Joy Larkcom; Heritage Fruits and Vegetables with text by Toby Musgrave and Trees: A Lifetime's Journey Through Forests,Woods and Gardens by Hugh Johnson.

HORTUS  104 (Winter 2012)

HORTUS 104 (Winter 2012)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Hortus 104 (Winter 2012)
Tradescant's Diary: Hugh Johnson; Paul Williams: 'Curioser and Curiouser'; Caroline Burgess: 'Stonecrop Gardens, Cold Spring, New York: Part Four: Winter'; The 2012 Gardening Year: Gardeners Report Their 'Highs and Lows': Alisdair Aird, John Akeroyd, Michael Avishai, Elizabeth Banks, Iain Burnside, Nicholas Dakin-Elliot, Page Dickey, Hellon Dillon, Ambra Edwards, Tom Fischer, Annie Gatti, Michael van Gessel, Graham Gough, Caroline Harbouri, Neil Lucas, John Massey, Joanna Millar, Charles Nelson Ruth Padel, Oron Peri, Richard Pim, Tim Richardson, Maria Sansoni-Köchel, Andrew Sloan, and Eugénie van Weede ; Lorraine Harrison: 'Blooms Among the Bloomers'; Celia Fisher: 'Hocus-pocus and Some Old English Plant Names'; Tim Longville: 'He Passed it On: A Celebration of Theo A. Stephens and his Magazine 'My Garden' Part Four; Patricia Cleveland-Peck: 'Out of the Wild and into the Garden: Pier Antonio Michiel, Venetian Nobleman'; Sam Llewellyn: 'Shanties'; Tom Petherick: 'From the Home Patch'; Book Review: Judith Tankard on 'Gardens for a Beautiful America' by Sam Watters and photographs by Frances Benjamin Johnston

HORTUS  105 (Spring 2013

HORTUS 105 (Spring 2013

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Peter Dale: 'Elegy for the Ash'; Tradescant's Diary: Hugh Johnson; Paul Williams: 'The Unpushy Puschkinia'; Charles Nelson: 'Tulips, Crooks and an Aeroplane … and some Cretan Plants'; Christine Skelmersdale: 'The Little Tulips'; Andrew Tompsett: 'Dreamy Daffodil Days'; Clark Lawrence: 'Rubble and Rebirth: Last Year's Earthquake in Emilia-Romagna Destroyed the Medieval Castle of Galeazza and Much of Its Gardens. Are the Remains Worth Digging Up and Taking Away?'; Tim Longville: 'Taking a Larger Brush: The Life and Work of Barbara Jones' off-beat doyeene of garden follies and grottoes; Katie Campbell: 'A Teardrop on the Cheek of Time: Revisiting the Taj Mahal'; Tom Petherick: 'From the Home Patch'; Sam Llewellyn: 'Full Steam Ahead'; The Editor's Quarterly Book Bag: A Gardener's Guide to Bulbs by Christine Skelmersdale; Snowdrops by the late Gunter Waldorf; Ancient Trees by Edward Parker and Anna Lewington; Oak by Peter Young; Heritage Trees Wales by Archie Miles; The Beauty of Trees by Michael Jordan and The Smallest Kingdom: Plants and Plant Collectors at the Cape of Good Hope by Mike Fraser; Index to HORTUS issues 101-104 (2012).

HORTUS  106 (Summer 2013)

HORTUS 106 (Summer 2013)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Tradescant's Diary: Hugh Johnson; Paul Williams: 'Unrequited Love'; Peter Dale: 'In an Irish Garden: Rowallane'; Angelica Gray: 'Gardens of Marrakesh: Back to the Future?; Marta McDowell: 'Uncle Tom's Garden: Harriet Beecher Stowe and Gardening'; Andrew Hornung: 'Tulips are not the only Flowers: The Life and Work of Carl Ludwig Spenger'; Charles Quest-Ritson: 'Peter Beales MBE VMH 1936-2013'; Christine Reid: 'Reflections on a Remarkable Life: Dame Elisabeth Murdoch 1909-2012'; Tom Petherick: 'From the Home Patch'; Sam Llewellyn: 'Lenin on Lawn Care'; Book Reviews: Ambra Edwards on 'A Green and Pleasant Land' by Ursula Buchan; Judith Tankard on 'Gertrude Jekyll: Her Art Restored at Upon Grey' by Rosamund Wallinger and 'Almost Home: The Public Landscapes of Gertrude Jekyll' by Kristine F. Miller; Celia Fisher on 'Geranium' by Kasia Boddy.

HORTUS  107 (Autumn 2013)

HORTUS 107 (Autumn 2013)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Tradescant's Diary: Hugh Johnson; Paul Williams: 'According to the Books…'; Ambra Edwards: 'Farrs: Gardening Across the Gender Divide'; Patricia Cleveland-Peck: 'Home on the Range: The Sussex Prairie Garden'; Tim Longville: ' A Garden of Character and Characters: Kildrummy Castle'; Rory Stuart: 'Nancy Saunders'; Sukie Amory: 'Gardner in the Garden: Part One: A Bas Les Arts! Let's Dig in the Garden'; Tom Petherick: 'From the Home Patch'; Charles Elliott: 'Fruit: Netting. Being part two of 'Fruit : The Orchard' in Hortus 99'; Sam Llewellyn: 'Canada Ho!'; Book Reviews: Helena Attlee on 'An Infinity of Graces: Cecil Ross Pinsent, an English Architect in the Italian Landscape' by Ethne Clarke; Celia Fisher on 'Impressionists in Their Gardens' by Caroline Holmes; Tim Longville on 'The Drunken Botanist: The Plants that Create the World's Great Drinks' by Amy Stewart; The Editor's Quarterly Book Bag: Ginkgo by Peter Crane; Pine by Laura Mason; The Tree: Meaning and Myth by Frances Carey; Trees of Britain and Ireland by Edward Milner; Planting: A New Perspective by Piet Oudolf and Noel Kingsbury; RHS Chelsea Flower Show: A Centenary Celebration by Brent Elliott; Take Chelsea Home by Chris Young and The New English Garden by Tim Richardson.

HORTUS  108 (Winter 2013)

HORTUS 108 (Winter 2013)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Tradescant's Diary: Hugh Johnson; Paul Williams: 'The Contortionist': Corylus avellana 'Contorta'; Rosemary Lindsay: 'Potting Shed Heaven'; SNOWDROPS AT Marchants Hardy Plants; Victoria Martin: 'Carrying the Garden with Them: Small-Scale Flower Growers'; Tim Longville: 'Loitering with Fine Intent: Robert Dash as a Writer'; Sukie Amory: 'Gardner in the Garden. Part Two: A Shadow Glides on the Stairway of Jade'; Andrew Hornung: 'Alias Clare and Compton: a Rosy Detective Story'; Charles Elliott: 'Beautiful Monsters'; Tom Petherick: 'From the Home Patch'; Sam Llewellyn: 'Money for Old Rope'; Book Reviews: Tim Longville on 'Norfolk Gardens and Designed Landscapes' by Patsy Dallas, Roger Last and Tom Williamson; Rosemary Lindsay on 'Rory McEwen: The Colours of Reality'; The Editor's Quarterly Book Bag: Shepherd House Garden by Ann and Charles Fraser; What Are Gardens For? Experiencing, Making and Thinking About Gardens by Rory Stuart; Of Rhubarb and Roses edited by Tim Richardson; The Gardens of Venice and the Veneto by Jenny Condie; Great Gardens of Spain by Anneli Bojstad; Growing Thoughts: A Garden in Andalusia by Carlos March and Gardener's Guide to Snowdrops by Freda Cox.

HORTUS  109 (Spring 2014)

HORTUS 109 (Spring 2014)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Tradescant's Diary: Hugh Johnson; Paul Williams: 'All Lit Up: Pulmonaria 'Diana Clare'; Peter Dale: 'In an Irish Garden: Mount Congreve'; Princess Irene Sturdza and Didier Willery: 'Le Vasterival: A Woodland Wonderland, Part One: Spring'; Lady Christine Skelmersdale: 'The Peerless Primrose of the Bristol Channel: A Detective Story' (Narcissus x medioluteus on Lundy); Sally Gregson: 'Hydrangea Happiness'; Anna Piussi: 'Il Malvone, Chelsea and the Nature of Weeds'; Tom Petherick: 'From the Home Patch'; Sam Llewellyn: 'Health and Safety'; Book Reviews: Patricia Cleveland-Peck on Virginia Woolf's Garden: The Story of the Garden at Monk's House by Caroline Zoob; Tim Longville on The Hermit in the Garden: From Imperial Rome to Ornamental Gnome by Gordon Campbell; Peter Parker on Beatrix Potter's Gardening Life by Marta McDowell; The Editor's Quarterly Book Bag: The Genus Tulipa: Tulips of the World by Diana Everett; Growing Garden Bulbs by Richard Wilford; RHS Botany for Gardeners: The Art and Science of Gardening Explained and Explored by Geoff Hodge; Lily by Marcia Reiss; The Flower of Empire: An Amazonian Water Lily, the Quest to Make it Bloom and the World it Created by Tatiana Holway; For the Love of Tree: An Arboreal Odyssey by Roy Forster and The British Oak by Archie Miles.

HORTUS  110 (Summer 2014)

HORTUS 110 (Summer 2014)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Tradescant's Diary: Hugh Johnson; Paul Williams: 'Ivy-leaved toadflax: Cymbalaria muralis'; Celia Fisher: 'Where Have All the Nurseries Gone?'; Mark Lutyens: 'Proper London Gardens'; David Wheeler: 'Nature into Art, Art into Nature: Gardens, Plants and Artefacts of Istanbul'; Rosemary Lindsay: 'Postcard from Paris'; Tom Moggach: 'Cuban Co-ops'; Peter Dale: 'In an Irish Garden. Three More Dublin Gardens: The Hugh Lane Gallery, St Audoen's and Fernhill'; Abbie Zabar: 'Gardening Above the City: Up in the Sky, but Down to Earth'; Princess Irene Sturdza and Didier Willery: 'Le Vasterival: A Woodland Wonderland, Part Two: Summer'; Tom Petherick: 'From the Home Patch'; Sam Llewellyn: 'Urbs in Rure'; Book Reviews: Tim Richardson on A World of Gardens by John Dixon Hunt; Peter Parker on The Gardens of the British Working Class by Margaret Willes; Brent Elliott on The Land Where Lemons Grow: The Story of Italy and its Citrus Fruit by Helena Attlee; The Editor's Quarterly Book Bag: On the High Line: Exploring New York's Most Original Urban Park by Annik La Farge; The Urban Gardener by Matt James; Compost: How to Make and Use Organic Compost to Transform Your Garden by Clare Foster; A Guide to the Gardens of Venice by Mariagrazia Dammicco; The Gardens of Suzhou by Ron Henderson.

HORTUS  111 (Autumn 2014)

HORTUS 111 (Autumn 2014)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Tradescant's Diary: Hugh Johnson; Paul Williams: 'Colquhounia coccinea'; Martin Pilkington: 'Finzi as Pomologist'; Peter Dale: 'In an Irish Garden: Mount Stewart'; John Hall: 'When is a Garden not a Garden? A Question from Italy'; Princess Irene Sturdza and Didier Willery: 'Le Vasterival: A Woodland Wonderland, Part Three: Autumn'; Diana Everett: 'Hunting Wild Tulips in the 'Stans'; James Foggin:' Eine verdammt ernste Sache, or a Damned Serious Business'; Rosemary Lindsay: 'Our Street is an Arboretum'; Clark Lawrence: 'The Reluctant Garden Blogger'; Tom Petherick: 'From the Home Patch'; Sam Llewellyn: 'Politics'; Book Reviews: Rosemary Lindsay on Vita Sackville-West's Sissinghurst: The Creation of a Garden by Vita Sackville-West and Sarah Raven; Mark Lutyens on Garden and Landscape by Anthony du Gard Pasley; Jenny Condie on The Garden of Eden: A Secret Garden in Venice by Annemette Fogh; Judtih B Tankard on America's Romance with the English Garden by Thomas J Mickey; The Editor's Quarterly Book Bag: Hillier: the Plants, the People, the Passion by Jean Hillier, Hillier Nurseries; Overleaf by Richard Ogilvy; Trees Up Close: The Bark, Leaves,Flowers and Seeds by Nancy Ross Hugo and photographer Robert Llewellyn; The Plant Lover's Guide to Salvias by John Whittlesey

HORTUS  112 (Winter 2014)

HORTUS 112 (Winter 2014)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Tradescant's Diary: Hugh Johnson; Mark Lutyens: 'London Squares. 1: St James's Square'; Sukie Amory: 'The Arnold Arboretum in Winter'; Lorraine Harrison: 'The Mindful Meadow'; Kate Kerin: 'Courting Failure on the 35th Floor: A Battery Rooftop Garden'; Tim Longville: 'The Flight of the Green Bee: Gardens in the Life of Bernardine Coverley'; Rosemary Lindsay: 'Convolvulus althaeoides: An Albanian Adventure'; William Grant: 'Closing the Gate'; Charles Nelson: 'Catalpah: Called so by the Indians'; Princess Irene Sturdza and Didier Willery: 'Le Vasterival: A Woodland Wonderland, Part Four: Winter'; Charles Elliott: 'Vegetable Love; Tom Petherick: 'From the Home Patch'; Sam Llewellyn: 'Blackwater Fever'; Book Review: Christine Reid on Australian Coastal Gardens by Myles Baldwin, Photography by Sue Stubbs.

HORTUS  113 (Spring 2015)

HORTUS 113 (Spring 2015)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Tradescant's Diary: Hugh Johnson; Andrew Lawson: 'The Colour Orange'; Helena Attlee: 'The Colour of Orange'; Sally Beale: 'Hidden Treasures: The Gardens of Mallorca'; Sukie Amory: 'The Arnold Arboretum in Spring'; Jonathan Brokenbrow: 'Wollenia nobilis: Another Living Fossil'; Tony Venison: 'Hidden and Forgotten: Cedric Morris's First Garden'; Tom Petherick: 'From the Home Patch'; Sam Llewellyn: 'Hedge Fun'; Book Reviews: Tim Longville on An Author and a Gardener: The Gardens and Friendship of Edith Wharton and Laurence (sic) Johnston; Andrew Hornung on Visions of Loveliness: Great Flower Breeders of the Past by Judith M Taylor; The Editor's Quarterly Book Bag: Cornwall's Great Houses and Houses by Barry Gamble; Bamboo by Susanne Lucas; The Genus Betula: A Taxonomic Revision of Birches by Kenneth Ashburner and Hugh A McAllister; The Cut Flower Patch by Louise Curley; Creative Vegetable Gardening by Joy Larkcom; Remarkable Plants that Shape Our World by Helen and William Bynum; The Mythology of Plants : Botanical Lore from Ancient Greece and Rome by Annette Giesecke; Index to HORTUS issues 109-112 (2014).

HORTUS  114 (Summer 2015)

HORTUS 114 (Summer 2015)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Tradescant's Diary: Hugh Johnson; Tony Schilling: 'The Mountains are My Garden - Part 1';Patricia Cleveland-Peck: 'Edging Towards Perfection: the Garden at Clinton Lodge, East Sussex; Andrew Hornung: 'E.A Bowles, 1845-1954: a 150 h Birthday Tribute'; Helen Champion: 'Jack Vass: Sissinghurst's Forgotten Head Gardener'; Ambra Edwards: Dorset Delight'; Sukie Amory: 'The Arnold Arboretum in Summer'; Christine Reid: 'Who Was Edward La Trobe Bateman?'; Charles Elliott: 'The Strange Case of the Honeybees'; Tom Petherick: 'From the Home Patch'; Sam Llewellyn: 'Digging with the Duchess: Touring the Fame Garden'; Book Reviews: Peter Parker on Herterton House and a New Country Garden by Frank Lawley; Rosemary Lindsay on A Gardener's Guide to Native Plants of Britain and Ireland; Patricia Cleveland-Peck on Chasing the Rose: An Adventure in the Venetian Countryside by Andrea di Robilant; Charles Quest-Ritson on 99 Anni di Rose Tè, Cinesi e Noisette (1825-1924) by Walter Branchi; The Editor's Quarterly Book Bag: Plant Lover's Guide to Epimediums by Sally Gregson; The Gardener's Guide to Ferns by Richie Steffen and Sue Olsen; The Gardener's Guide to Sedums by Brent Horvath; The Royal Horticultural Society's Companion to Scented Plants by Stephen Lacey; The Gardener's Book of Colour by Andrew Lawson; Gertrude Jekyll at Munstead Wood by Judith Tankard and Martin Wood; Wild Garden Weekends by Tania Pascoe.

HORTUS  115 (Autumn 2015)

Tradescant's Diary: Hugh Johnson; Jérôme Goutier: 'La Bizerie, Home to Hydrangeas'; Tony Schilling: 'The Mountains are My Garden - Part 2'; James Foggin: 'End of the Season'; Bryan Hewitt: 'The Garden at Myddelton House'; Mark Lutyens: 'London Squares - Edwardes Square, Kensington'; Sukie Amory: 'The Arnold Arboretum in Autumn'; Charles Elliott: 'A Good Idea at the Time'; Tom Petherick: 'From the Home Patch'; Sam Llewellyn: 'Digging with the Duchess: Anyone for Tennyson?'; Book Reviews: Judith B Tankard on The Artist's Garden: American Impressionism and the Garden Movement edited by Anna O Marley (University of Pennsylvania Press in association with the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts); Helene Pizzi on Le Rose Italiane: Una storia di passione e bellezza dall'Ottocento a oggi (in Italian) by Andrew Hornung; Charles Elliott on Hawthorn: The Tree That Has Nourished, Healed, and Inspired Through the Ages by Bill Vaughan; The Editor's Quarterly Book Bag: Iznik: The Artistry of Ottoman Ceramics by Walter B Denny; Flora of the Silk Road: An Illustrated Guide by Christopher and Basak Gardner; Book of Perennials by Claire Austin; Seeing Seeds: A Journey into the World of Seedheads,Pods, and Fruit by Teri Dunn Chace; Succulents by Terry Hewitt; Succulents Simplified by Debra Lee Baldwin; Designing and Planting a Woodland Garden by Keith Wiley; Dictionary of Science for Gardeners by Michael Allaby.

HORTUS  116 (Winter 2015)

HORTUS 116 (Winter 2015)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Tradescant's Diary: Hugh Johnson; Shaun Haddock: 'The Fifty Shades of Grey Garden: Part One'; Tony Schilling: 'The Mountains are My Garden: Part Three'; John Akeroyd: 'All Part of the Plot'; Paul Crask: 'The Giraudel Flower Ladies of Dominica'; Marta McDowell: 'The Gardener Behind the Curtain: L.Frank Baum and the Plants, Gardens and Landscapes of Oz'; Tom Petherick: 'From the Home Patch'; Sam Llewellyn: 'Digging with the Duchess: Birth of a Sea Garden'; Book Reviews: Tim Longville on Machiavelli's Lawn: The Great Writers' Garden Companion by Mark Crick; Judith B Tankard on Outstanding American Gardens: A Celebration. 25 Years of Garden Conservancy by Page Dickey and Rescuing Eden: Preserving America's Historic Gardens by Caroline Seebohm; The Editor's Quarterly Book Bag: The Winter Garden by Emma Hardy; First Ladies of Gardening by Heidi Howcroft; Paradise and Plenty: A Rothschild Family Garden by Mary Keen; Great Gardens of London by Victoria Summerley; Kyoto Gardens: Masterworks of the Japanese Gardener's Art by Judith Clancy; Japanese Zen Gardens by Yoko Kawaguchi; Norwegian Wood: Chopping,Stacking and Drying Wood the Scandinavian Way by Lars Mytting.

HORTUS  117 (Spring 2016)

HORTUS 117 (Spring 2016)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Tradescant's Diary: Hugh Johnson; Tributes to Mark Flanagan by Tony Kirkham, Lawrence Banks, Rosemary Campbell-Preston, Maurice Foster, Lord Howick, Andrew Jackson, Sir Peter Crane, Hugh Johsnon, Roy Lancaster and Tony Schilling; Tributes to Peter Chappell by Veronica Cross, Roy Lancaster, Robert Mallet and Anna Pavord; Sally Gregson: 'Bishops' Hats, Barrenworts and Fairy Wings: The Springtime Glory of Shade-Loving Epimediums'; James Foggin: 'Lorraine Chase: The Garden at Berchigranges at Granges-sur-Vologne in The Vosges'; Tony Schilling: 'The Moutains are My Garden: Part Four'; Shaun Haddock: 'The Fifty Shades of Grey Garden: Part Two'; Charles Elliott: 'Sin Agua'; Tom Petherick: 'From the Home Patch'; Sam Llewellyn: 'Digging with the Duchess: Glucose Magic'; Book Reviews: John Akeroyd on The Cabaret of Plants by Richard Mabey; Tim Longville on A Natural History of English Gardening by Mark Laird; Patricia Cleveland-Peck on The Book of Pears by Joan Morgan; Index to HORTUS issues 113-116 (2015).

HORTUS  118 (Summer 2016)

HORTUS 118 (Summer 2016)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Tradescant's Diary: Hugh Johnson; Rosemary Lindsay: 'Gardens within Walls: A Personal View';Charles Nelson: 'Kindred Spirit: The Autobiography of an Artistic, Botanincal Collaboration';Tony Schilling: 'The Mountains are My Garden: Epilogue'; Peter Dale: 'The Tools of the Trade: Garden Implements'; Tim Longville: 'Coaxing the Flower: Plants and Gardens in the Stories, Novels and Letters of Eudora Welty: Part One'; Tom Petherick: 'From the Home Patch'; Sam Llewellyn: 'Digging with the Duchess: Staff Wanted'; Book Reviews: Peter Parker on Gardens Behind the Lines, 1914-1918 by Anne Powell; Tim Longville on Oxford College Gardens by Tim Richardson; The Editor's Quarterly Book Bag: The Irish Garden by Jane Powers; The Company of Trees by Thomas Pakenham; Irish Demesne Landscapes, 1660-1740 by Vandra Costello; Paradise Gardens by Toby Musgrave; The Making of Place by John Dixon Hunt; The Gardens of Arne Maynard by Arne Maynard with foreward by Rosie Atkins; Hummelo A Journey Through a Plantsman's Life by Noel Kingsbury and Piet Oudolf.

HORTUS  119 (Autumn 2016)

HORTUS 119 (Autumn 2016)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

'Tradescant's Diary': Hugh Johnson; Kirsty Fergusson: 'A Singularly Unclassroom-like Environment: Jnane Tamsna, Marrakech; Lorraine Harrison: 'Alfriston and Apple Macs'; Clark Lawrence: 'La Macchina Fissa: Confessions of An American Plant Addict'; James Foggin: 'Capability Baron: Schlosspark Dennenlohe'; Patricia Cleveland-Peck: 'Pefumed Provence: Les Jardins Ethnobotaniques de Salagon'; Peter Dale: 'The Tools of the Trade: Garden Implements - Part Two'; Tim Longville: 'Coaxing the Flower: Plants and Gardens in the Stories, Novels and Letters of Eudora Welty: Part Two: The Letters'; Charles Elliott: 'Atomic Gardens'; Tom Petherick: 'From the Home Patch'; Sam Llewellyn: 'Digging with the Duchess: North!'; ; Book Reviews: Ambra Edwards on Landskipping: Painters,Ploughmen and Places by Anna Pavord; Christine Reid on The Florilegium. The Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney: Celebrating 200 Years by Colleen Morris and Louisa Murray; The Editor's Quarterly Book Bag: Shakespeare's Gardens by Alan (Jock) Dent; A Shakespearean Botanical by Margaret Willes; 'Capability' Brown & Belvoir: Discvering a Lost Landscape by the Duchess of Rutland and Jane Pruden; The Secret Life of the Georgian Garden by Kate Felu?; RHS Lessons from Great Gardeners by Matthew Biggs; New Wild Garden by Ian Hodgson.

HORTUS  120 (Winter 2016)

HORTUS 120 (Winter 2016)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

'Tradescant's Diary': Hugh Johnson; Madison Cox: 'Jardin Majorelle, Marakech';Ambra Edwards: 'Dorset's Shangri-La: Abbotsbury Subtropical Garden'; Tim Longville: 'A Late-Blooming Passion: Millhall, Kirkcudbrightshire'; Rosemary Lindsay: 'A Postcard from Denmark'; Marta McDowell: 'Gardens Royal, Gardens Executive: The British Monarchy and the White House Grounds'; Abbie Zabar: 'An Affair of the Horticultural Heart: The Union Square Market'; Judith B. Tankard: 'Moving on from Country Life'; Peter Dale: 'The Tools of the Trade-Garden Implements: Part Three'; Charles Nelson: 'Brethren of the Spade'; Tom Petherick: 'Sad News from the Home Patch'; Sam Llewellyn: 'Digging with the Duchess: The Innocense of Pumpkins'; Book Review: Clark Lawrence on Gardens of the Italian Lakes by Steven Desmond; The Editor's thirty-year reflection on garden books published since 1987, when HORTUS began.

HORTUS  121 (Spring 2017) out of print

HORTUS 121 (Spring 2017) out of print

Price (not including postage) £10.50

'Tradescant's Diary': Hugh Johnson; Emma Inglis: 'Jolly and Bright…but Humble? The English Primrose'; Susie Pasley-Tyler: 'It's the Flowers! Spring at Coton Manor, Northamptonshire'; Fergus Garrett introduces a group of Great Dixter students writing about their favourite plant of the season: 'Great Students, Great Plants, Great Dixter'|; Ann and Charles Fraser: 'The Process is the Purpose: Sixty Years at Shepherd House, Inveresk'; Sophie Piebenga: 'An Eduring Edwardian: Greywalls, East Lothian, Scotland; Tim Longville: 'A Living and Barking Dog: The Garden at Little Durnford Manor'; Rosemary Lindsay: 'A Much-loved, Joyful, and Precious Refuge: Dalston Eastern Curve Garden'; Matt Collins: 'Less is More: The Thrill of Small Gardens'; Katie Campbell: 'The Garden Pavilions of Isfahan'; Peter Dale: 'The Tools of the Trade-Garden Implements: Part Four'; Katherine Swift: 'Circles Beyond Circles: Mirabel Osler Remembered'; Tom Petherick: 'From the Home Patch'; Sam Llewellyn: 'Digging with the Duchess: Come to the Hedge'; Book Reviews: Tim Longville on Another Green World: Encounters with a Scottish Arcadia by Alison Turnbull and Philip Hoare; Katherine Greenberg on Gardens For The Senses:The Spanish Gardens of Javier Mariátegui by Javier Mariátegui; Patricia Cleveland-Peck on Plant: Exploring the Botanical World by Phaidon editors with an introduction by James Compton; The Editor's Quarterly Book Bag: The Plant Lover's Guide to Hardy Geraniums by Robin Parer; The Plant Lover's Guide to Magnolias by Andrew Bunting; Kniphofia: The Complete Guide by Christopher Whitehouse; The London Garden Book A-Z by Abigail Willis; A History of Coton Manor and its Garden by Ann Benson; Private Gardens of the Mediterranean by Dane McDowell and photographer Vincent Motte; You Should Have Been Here Last Week by Tim Richardson; Index to HORTUS issues 117-120 (2016).

HORTUS  122 (Summer 2017)

HORTUS 122 (Summer 2017)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

'Tradescant's Diary': Hugh Johnson; Tim Longville: 'Perfectly Imperfect: Plant Nurseries in North-West England and South-West Scotland'; Great Students, Great Plants, Great Dixter (by Fergus Garrett, Dean Charlton, Lisa Häggqvist, Sara Jackson, Jana Springer, Coralie Thomas and Michael Wachter); Susie Pasley-Tyler: 'It's the Flowers! Summer at Coton Manor, Northamptonshire'; Tim Richardson: 'Why Gardens?'; Kirsty Fergusson: 'À la recherche…Le Donjon de Ballon Then and Now'; Trevor Nottle: 'Antiquity Remade: Jardin Antique Méditerranéen'; Katie Campbell: 'Roses and Nightingales: The Gardens of Shiraz'; Charles Nelson: 'Rage Against the Dying of the Lawn'; Peter Dale: 'The Tools of the Trade - Garden Implements: Part Five, Saws, Sieves and Daisy Grubbers';Tim Longville: 'Unfussily Effective: Joan Loraine Remembered'; Tom Petherick: 'From the Home Patch'; Sam Llewellyn: 'Digging with the Duchess: On the Naming of Plants'; Book Reviews: Maurice Foster on My Life with Plants by Roy Lancaster; Katie Campbell on Bawa: The Sri Lanka Gardens by David Robson.

HORTUS  123 (Autumn 2017)

HORTUS 123 (Autumn 2017)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

'Tradescant's Diary': Hugh Johnson; Jenny Condie: 'The Veneto Revisited'; Susie Pasley-Tyler: 'It's The Flowers! Autumn at Coton Manor, Northamptonshire'; Great Students, Great Plants, Great Dixter (by Fergus Garrett, Dean Charlton, Elisabeth (Lisa) Häggqvist, Sara Jackson, Jana Springer, Coralie Thomas and Michael Wachter); Sarah Hamnvik: 'The Learning Curve: A Student Reflects on Her Work at Gravetye Manor, Sussex'; Judy Kravis: 'What Are Gardens For? (And How I Got There)'; Tim Longville: 'The Small Producer: Gardens in the Life of Ford Madox Ford (Part One: England)'; Patricia Cleveland-Peck: 'Build houses and settle down, plant gardens and eat their fruit': Some Hidden Gardens in Bruges'; Marta McDowell: 'A Lady as Loves Flowers': Frances Hodgson Burnett and The Secret Garden'; Sally Gregson: 'Philipp von Siebold: Botanical Genius, Radical, Latter-Day Iconoclast, Womaniser'; Katie Campbell:' Royal and Domestic Gardens of Kashan'; Charles Elliott: 'Tree Flowers'; Tom Petherick: 'From the Home Patch'; Sam Llewellyn: 'Digging with the Duchess: Travels in Hibernia'; Book Review: Rosemary Lindsay on Rhapsody in Green by Charlotte Mendelson; The Editor's Quarterly Book Bag: Hedera: The Complete Guide (Royal Horticultural Society) by Hugh McAllister and Rosalyn Marshall; reissue of Beth Chatto's Shade Garden by Beth Chatto; Glorious Shade by Jenny Rose Carey; The Rainforests of Britain and Ireland: A Traveller's Guide by Clifton Bain; Wild Plants of Southern Spain: A Guide to the Native Plants of Andalucia by Tony Hall; Field Guide to the Wild Flowers of the Western Mediterranean by Chris Thorogood; Topiary, Knots and Parterres by Caroline Foley; Tulip by Celia Fisher; Essential Pruning Techniques: Trees, Shrubs, and Conifers by the late George E. Brown, revised and enlarged by Tony Kirkham; New Nordic Gardens: Scandinavian Landscape Design by Annika Zetterman.

HORTUS  124 (Winter 2017)

HORTUS 124 (Winter 2017)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

'Tradescant's Diary': Hugh Johnson; Susie Pasley-Tyler: 'It's The Flowers! Winter at Coton Manor, Northamptonshire'; 'Great Plants, Great Dixter' (by Fergus Garrett, Dean Charlton, Elisabeth (Lisa) Häggqvist, Sara Jackson, Jana Springer, Coralie Thomas and Michael Wachter); John Akeroyd: 'Good Weeds…or Just Garden Nomads?'; Tim Longville: 'The Small Producer: Gardens in the Life of Ford Madox Ford (Part Two: France)'; Peter Dale: 'The Tools of the Trade - Garden Implements: Part Six: An Elegy'; Katie Campbell: 'A Garden in the Himalayas'; Charles Elliott: 'A Rogue in the Garden'; Tom Petherick: 'From the Home Patch'; Sam Llewellyn: 'Digging with the Duchess: Atlantis ho!'; Book Reviews: Tim Richardson on Head Gardeners by Ambra Edwards; Sophie Beveridge on Five Lose Dad in the Garden Centre by Bruno Vincent; American Book Notes by Judith Tankard: Gardens of the High Line: Evaluating the Nature of Modern Landscapes by Piet Oudolf and Rick Drake; The Art of Gardening: Design Inspiration and Innovative Planting Techniques from Chanticleer by R. William Thomas; The Bold Dry Garden: Lessons from the Ruth Bancroft Garden by Johanna Silver; The Inspired Landscape: Twenty-One Leading Landscape Architects Explore the Creative Process'; All the Presidents' Gardens: Madison's Cabbages to Kennedy's Roses-How the White House Grounds Have Grown with America by Marta McDowell; The Rockefeller Family Gardens: An American Legacy by Cynthia Bronson; Warren H. Manning: Landscape Architect and Environmental Planner edited by Robin Karson, Jane Roy Brown and Sarah Allaback; James Rose by Dean Cardasis; front cover by Rosemary Lindsay 'Tree Seeds'.

HORTUS  125 (Spring 2018)

HORTUS 125 (Spring 2018)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

'Tradescant's Diary': Hugh Johnson; Sophieke Piebenga: 'Of Gardens, Broad Rivers and an Unlikely Conversion: Villa Augustus, Dordrecht, The Netherlands'; Jacqueline McKeon: 'Grief and Galanthus'; Barbara Segall: 'Keeping Faith with a Legend: Woottens of Wenhaston'; Sandra Lawrence: 'The Victorian Kitchen Garden: Part One, A Love Letter'; Charles Nelson: 'Frank Miles'; Judith W. Page: 'Cultivating Mary's Meadow; Juliana Horatia Ewing and the Redemptive Gardens of Childhood'; Tom Petherick: 'From the Home Patch'; Sam Llewellyn: 'Digging with the Duchess: Outshooting Farrer'; Book Reviews: Charles Nelson on Robert Fortune: A Plant Hunter in the Orient by Alistair Watt; Timothy Mowl on The Most Glorious Prospect: Garden Visiting in Wales 1639-1900 by Bettina Harden and on Gardens of Court and Country: English Design 1630-1730 by David Jacques; Tim Longville on Orchid: A Cultural History by Jim Endersby; John Akeroyd on The Aliens Amoung Us by Leslie Anthony; The Editor's Quarterly Book Bag: Snowdrop by Gail Harland; Rhododendron by Richard Milne; The Great Gardens of Cornwall: The People and their Plants by Tim Hubbard; Thenford: The Creation of an English Garden by Michael and Anne Heseltine; Dreamscapes: Inspiration and Beauty in Gardens Near and Far by Claire Takacs; Index to HORTUS issues 121-124 (2017). Front cover: Parrot Tulips, Iris, etc. wood engraving by Derek Setford.

HORTUS  126 (Summer 2018)

HORTUS 126 (Summer 2018)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

'Tradescant's Diary': Hugh Johnson; John West: 'A Collector's Paradise: Carolside, Scottish Borders'; Kenneth Cox: 'Woodland Gardening with Acid-Loving Plants'; Tim Longville: 'What Becomes of the Under-Appreciated? Reflections on Strobilanthes'; Peter Loewer: 'Gardening for Nocturnal Fragrance'; Sandra Lawrence: 'The Victoria Kitchen Garden: Part Two, Chilton Revisited'; Katie Campbell: 'Carved from the Jungle: Sigiriya, Sri Lanka's Landscaped Jewel'; Judy Kravis: 'Reading in the Garden'; Marta McDowell: 'It's Time, It's Time: Gregory Long and The New York Botanical Garden'; Tom Petherick: 'From the Home Patch'; Sam Llewellyn: 'Digging with the Duchess: Poisoning Canaries'; Book Review: Peter Dale on Shades of Green: My Life as the National Trust's Head of Gardens by John Sales; The Editor's Quarterly Book Bag: Gardens of Corfu by Rachel Weaving; Secret Gardens of East Anglia: A Private Tour of 22 Gardens by Barbara Segall; Paradise Gardens: The World's Most Beautiful Islamic Gardens by Monty Don; Peony: The Best Varieties for Your Garden by David C. Michener and Carol A. Adelman; Dahlias: Beautiful Varieties for Home and Garden by Naomi Slade; Double Flowers: The Remarkable Story of Extra-Petalled Blooms by the late Nicola Ferguson; Pasley: Memories of Anthony du Gard Pasley by Emma Isles-Buck.

HORTUS  127 (Autumn 2018)

HORTUS 127 (Autumn 2018)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

'Tradescant's Diary': Hugh Johnson; Matt Collins: 'Courtyard of Curiosities: The Garden Museum a Year After Renovation; Shira Lappin: 'Diana Athill: One Hundred Years in Gardens; Angelica Gray: 'In the Green Room: David Hicks and The Grove'; Jacqueline McKeon: 'A Marriage of Gardening and Art: 'LongHouse Reserve, New York'; Sandra Lawrence: 'The Victorian Garden: Part Three, Harry's Legacy'; Tim Longville: 'The Delight in Common Objects: Gardens and Plants in Life and Letters of Mary Russell Mitford. Part One.'; Tom Petherick: 'From the Home Patch'; Sam Llewellyn: 'Digging with the Duchess: In the Northlands'; Book Reviews: John Akeroyd on The Orchid Hunter: A Young Botanist's Search for Happiness by Leif Bersweden; E. Charles Nelson on Flora of Middle-Earth: Plants of J.R.R. Tolkien's Legendarium by Walter S. Judd and Graham A. Judd; American Book Notes by Judith B. Tankard: Heroes of Horticulture: Americans Who Transformed the Landscape by Barbara Paul Robinson; The Gardens of Bunny Mellon, with photographs by Roger Foley by Linda Jane Holden; City Green: Public Gardens of New York by Jane Garmey; Saving Central Park: A History and a Memoir by Elizabeth Barlow Rogers; Seeking Eden: A Collection of Georgia's Historic Gardens with photographs by James R. Lockhart by Staci L. Catron and Mary Ann Eaddy; Desert Gardens of Steve Martino with photographs by Steve Gunther by Caren Yglesias; The Editor's Quarterly Book Bag: The Story of the English Garden by Ambra Edwards; Gardens and Gardening in Early Modern England and Wales by Jill Francis; The Remarkable Case of Dr Ward & Other Amazing Gardening Innovations by Abigail Willis; The Generous Gardener: Private Paradises Shared by Caroline Donald; Trees in Art by Charles Watkins; Woodland Gardening by Kenneth Cox.

HORTUS  128 (Winter 2018)

HORTUS 128 (Winter 2018)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

'Tradescant's Diary': Hugh Johnson; Tim Longville: 'A Beauty - or a Beast? Pollia Japonica; Lorrain Harrison: 'Plants That Die Beautifully'; Charles Nelson: 'The Pleasure of Manavilins: Graham Stuart Thomas in Ireland'; Andrew Wenham: 'The Secret Hiding Place: What Sparks our Passion for Garden Design?'; Isabel Soares De Albergaria: 'Gardens of Sao Miguel, The Azores'; Rosemary Lindsay: 'Letter from Iceland'; Katie Campbell: 'By Man or By God? Torrecchia Vecchia, Lazio'; Marta McDowell: 'The Garden off the Dining Room: Emily Dickinson's Conservatory'; Linda Jane Holden: 'The Gardens of Bunny Mellon'; Tim Longville: 'The Delight in Common Objects: Gardens and Plants in Life and Letters of Mary Russell Mitford. Part Two: Fame and Strain'; Charles Elliott: 'Hedges and Hedge-layers'; Tom Petherick: 'From the Home Patch'; Sam Llewellyn: 'Digging with the Duchess: The Exterminating Angel'; Book Review: Tim Longville on Travellers in Ottoman Lands: The Botanical Legacy edited by Ines Asceric-Todd, Sabina Knees, Janet Starkey and Paul Starkey.

HORTUS  129 (Spring 2019) out of print

'Tradescant's Diary': Hugh Johnson; Angelica Gray: 'A Shipp of Hyacinths'; John Akeroyd: 'Eating our Greens'; Hugh Cavendish: 'A Pleasure All Year Round: Holker Through the Seasons. Part One: Spring'; Kirsty Fergusson: 'A Journey Through Alsace and the Vosges: Four Gardens on the French Side of the Rhine'; James Foggin: 'Across the Rhine: Three Riverine Gardens'; Tim Longville: 'The Delight in Common Objects: Gardens and Plants in the Life and Letters of Mary Russell Mitford. Part Three: The Years of Stoic Decline'; Sophie Beveridge: 'A Crash Course in Gardening'; Rosemary Lindsay: 'A Birthday in the Park: A Royal College of Physicians Celebration'; Michael Marriott: 'David Austin, 1926 - 2018'; Tom Petherick: 'From the Home Patch'; Sam Llewellyn: 'Digging with the Duchess: Timberrrr!'; Book Reviews: John Akeroyd on A Little Book of Latin For Gardeners by Peter Parker; Christine Reid on The Master Gardener: T.R. Garnett of Marlborough College, Geelong Grammar School, The Age and the Garden of St Erth by Andrew Lemon; The Editor's Quarterly Book Bag: A Landscape Legacy by John Brookes; The Irish Garden: A Cultural History by Peter Dale; Rose by Catherine Horwood; Forest: Walking Among Trees by Matt Collins; Index to HORTUS issues 125-128 (2018). Front Cover: The Labyrinth at Holker Hall, Cumbria, ink and gouache by Simon Dorrell.

HORTUS  130 (Summer 2019)

HORTUS 130 (Summer 2019)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

'Tradescant's Diary': Hugh Johnson; Paula Noble: 'My (winning) First Garden'; John West: 'Single but Not on the Shelf: Single-flowered Roses'; Hugh Cavendish: 'A Pleasure All Year Round: Holker Through the Seasons. Part Two: Summer'; Paul Crask: 'The Hurricane: Death and Resurrection of a Caribbean Garden; Marta McDowell: 'Gin, Jazz and Gardens: The Landscapes of F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald'; Brent Elliott: 'Gardens in the Waverley Novels'; Tom Petherick: 'From the Home Patch'; Sam Llewellyn: 'Digging with the Duchess: Towards Valhalla'; Book Reviews: Tim Richardson on 'Cherry' Ingram: The Englishman Who Saved Japan's Blossoms by Naoko Abe; Matt Collins on Where the Hornmbeam Grows: A Journey in Search of a Garden by Beth Lynch; American Book Notes by Judith B. Tankard: The History of Landscape Design in 100 Gardens by Linda Chisolm; Gardenlust: A Botanical Tour of the World's Best New Gardens by Christopher Woods; American Eden: David Hosack, Botany, and Medicine in the Garden of the Early Republic by Victoria Johnson; Gardening Across the Pond by Richard Bisgrove; Shaping the Postwar Landscape edited by Charles A. Birnbaum and Scott Craver; The Editor's Quarterly Book Bag: Kiftsgate Court Gardens: Three Generations of Women Gardeners by Vanessa Berridge; The Planthunter: Truth, Beauty, Chaos and Plants by Georgina Reid; Bringing the Mediterranean into your Garden translated by Caroline Harbouri; Naturalistic Planting Design: The Essential Guide by Nigel Dunnett; The Art of the Japanese Garden: History, Culture, Design by David and Michiko Young; Bonsai and Penjing: Ambassadors of Peace and Beauty by Ann McClellan.

HORTUS  131 (Autumn 2019)  out of print

'Tradescant's Diary': Hugh Johnson; Kirsty Fergusson: 'A Cornish Cornucopia: Magnolias and More'; Hugh Cavendish: 'A Pleasure All Year Round: Holker Through the Seasons. Part Three: Autumn'; Matt Collins: 'Blooms from a Literary Landscape: The Prairie Coneflower'; Alison Sparshatt: 'Beautiful Edible Perennial Plants'; John West: 'Aloha: A Greeting, a Farewell and a Divine Breath of Life'; Angelica Gray: 'Argan: The Tree with the Midas Touch'; Rosemary Lindsay: 'A Palace (and its Gardens) Fit for a Bishop'; Jacqueline McKeon: 'Lessons at Helen Dillon's New Garden'; Judith B Tankard: 'A Garden of the Gods: Greenwood Gardens, Short Hills, New Jersey'; Patricia Cleveland-Peck: 'Leonardo da Vinci on Plants and Gardens'; David Wheeler, with contributions from Fergus Garrett, Penelope Hobhouse, Catherine Horwood and Barbara Segall: 'Two Legendary Ladies: Elizabeth David and Beth Chatto'; Charles Nelson: 'Nonsense Horticulture by Herbert Jekyll'; Tania Compton: 'Nori Pope, 1947-2019'; Tom Petherick: 'From the Home Patch'; Sam Llewellyn: 'Digging with the Duchess: Reasons to be Cheerful'; Book Reviews: Tim Longville on Li: A Garden on the West Coast of Scotland by Hillary and Rick Rhode; Peter Parker on Life in the Garden by Penelope Lively; The Editor's Quarterly Book Bag: The Tree Book (Superior Selections for Landscapes, Streetscapes and Gardens by Michael Dirr and Keith Warren; Heritage Apples by Caroline Ball; At West Dean by Sarah Wain and Jim Buckland; The Story of Gardening by Penelope Hobhouse.

HORTUS  132 (Winter 2019) out of print

'Tradescant's Diary': Hugh Johnson; Essays on Gardens and Gardening in Winter by Matt Collins, Ambra Edwards, Alison Sparshatt, Clark Lawrence, Gregory Kobett and Christina Blandy; Eleftherios Fitsiolos: 'Art thou the bird…? The Robin'; Michael Farrell: 'Jekyll and Hyde Plants'; Judith B. Tankard: 'A Perfect Paradise: Arts & Crafts Gardens in the Cotswolds'; Hugh Cavendish: 'A Pleasure All Year Round: Holker Through the Seasons. Part Four: Winter'; Patricia Cleveland-Peck: 'A Total Delight: Giardino Buonaccorsi, Le Marche'; Katie Campbell: 'Under New Management: Les Quatre Vents, Quebec'; Tim Longville: 'Le Batteur Frénétique: The Life And Work of Uvedale Price'; Tom Petherick: 'From the Home Patch'; Sam Llewellyn: 'Digging with the Duchess: Nights in the Gardens of Spain'; The Editor's Quarterly Book Bag: Identification of Trees and Shrubs in Winter Using Buds and Twigs by Bernd Schultz; The Kew Plant Glossary: An Illustrated Dictionary of Plant Identification Terms by Henk Beentje; The Walnut Tree by Charles Hulbert-Powell; English Gardens: From the Archives of Country Life Magazine. Front cover: The Summerhouse in Winter, Rodmarton Manor, Gloucestershire, ink and gouache by Simon Dorrell.

HORTUS  133 (Spring 2020)

HORTUS 133 (Spring 2020)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

‘Tradescant’s Diary’: Hugh Johnson; Alison Sparshatt: ‘The Cruellest Month’; Adam Ford: ‘Our Garden Birds, No. 1: The Swift (Apus apus); Henry Noltie with a Postscript by Robert Dalrymple: ‘Broadwoodside, East Lothian’; Kirsty Fergusson: ‘A Tale of Two Gardens’; Katie Campbell: ‘Saffron: Persian Gold in Northern Quebec’; Richard Moore: ‘To the Top: Plant Hunting in Vietnam, 2019’; Tim Longville: ‘‘Le Batteur Frénétique: The Life And Work of Uvedale Price. Part Two: Price The Picture-Maker’; Heather Blackett: ‘I don’t do ornament, I do symbolism: Charles Jencks 1939–2019: An Appreciation’; Tom Petherick: ‘From the Home Patch’; Sam Llewellyn: ‘Digging with the Duchess: Market Forces’; Reviews: Books & Books & Arts: Peter Parker on Wordsworth’s Gardens and Flowers: The Spirit of Paradise by Peter Dale and Brandon C. Yen; Naman Muresh Chaudhary on Forgotten Masters: Indian Painting for the East India Company curated by William Dalrymple; The Editor’s Quarterly Book Bag: A Beautiful Obsession by Jimi Blake; Birds, Bees and Butterflies: Daws Hall, A Very Special Nature Reserve and Garden by Iain Grahame; Led by the Land by Kim Wilkie; Remarkable Trees by Christina Harrison and Tony Kirkham; Trees: Broadleaf and Conifer Models by Tony Kirkham and Kenton Rogers. Index to HORTUS issues 129–132 (2019). Front Cover: In the Hall Garden, Broadwoodside, ink and gouache by Simon Dorrell.

HORTUS  134 (Summer 2020)

HORTUS 134 (Summer 2020)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

‘Tradescant’s Diary’: Hugh Johnson; Adam Ford: ‘Our Garden Birds, No. 2: The Collared Dove (Streptopelia decaocto)’; Alison Sparshatt: ‘Sanctuary’; Katie Campbell: ‘Mr McGregor’s Garden? The Brompton Cemetery, London’; Catherine Beale: ‘Standen Delivers’; Angelica Gray: ‘The Newt in Somerset’; Lawrence Banks: ‘Forty Years On: Stephen Lloyd, Head Gardener at Hergest Croft, Herefordshire’; Christine Reid: ‘Australia’s Black Summer’; John West: ‘Who is Olga? A Mysterious Rose’; Robin Hutt: ‘A Photographer’s Garden Gallery’; Hugh Johnson: ‘The Wood for the Trees’; Tom Petherick: ‘From the Home Patch’; Sam Llewellyn: ‘Digging with the Duchess: The Orange Blossom Special’; Reviews: Books & Arts: Peter Parker on Emily Dickinson’s Gardening Life by Marta McDowell; Katie Campbell on Scent Magic by Isabel Bannerman; Exhibitions: Sukie Amory on PAINTING EDO: Selections from the Feinberg Collection of Japanese Art. Harvard Art Museums, Cambridge, Mass., until 26 July2020. Front Cover: The White Garden, Sissinghurst, wood engraving by Phoebe Connolly.

HORTUS  135 (Autumn 2020)

HORTUS 135 (Autumn 2020)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

'Tradescant's Diary': Hugh Johnson; Adam Ford: 'Our Garden Birds, No. 3: The Treecreeper (Certhia familiaris)'; Richard Moore: 'Kew in Lockdown'; Janice Sharkey: 'Glenwhan: A Galloway Garden'; Kathryn Bradley-Hole: 'With Music Entwined: William Christie & Les Arts Florissants'; Kirsty Fergusson: "Tangier: A Garden Journey'; Peter Dale: 'The Livery of The Closing Year: Browns, Coppers and Russets in the Autumn Garden'; Alison Sparshatt: 'A Whiter Shade of Pale'; Judy Kravis: 'Incidental Garden'; Dale Headington: 'Thank You, Mary: Mary Watts and the Compton Pottery'; Ben Mallalieu: 'Under the Juniper Tree'; Willie Reardon: 'My Debt to Walter Butt: In Honour of Veronica Cross'; Tom Petherick: 'From the Home Patch'; Sam Llewellyn: 'Digging with the Duchess: Ex Pupae'; Reviews: Books & Arts: Matt Collins on Modern Plant Hunters: Adventures in Pursuit of Extraordinary Plants by Sandy Primrose; Peter Dale on An Economic History of the English Garden by Roderick Floud; Rosemary Lindsay on Grow Fruits & Vegetables in Pots: Planting Advice & Recipes from Great Dixter by Aaron Bertelsen; American Book Notes by Judith B. Tankard: Paradise on the Hudson: The Creation, Loss, and Revival of a Great American Garden by Caroline Seebohm; Nature into Art: The Gardens of Wave Hill by Thomas Christopher; Chasing Eden: Design Inspiration from the Gardens at Hortulus Farm by Jack Staub and Renny Reynolds; Designing a Garden: The Monk's Garden at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum by Michael Van Valkenburgh and An Island Garden by Celia Thaxter; Front Cover: Looking Out from Madison Cox's Cliff House, Tangier, ink and gouache by Simon Dorrell.

HORTUS  136 (Winter 2020)

HORTUS 136 (Winter 2020)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

'Tradescant's Diary': Hugh Johnson; Adam Ford: 'Our Garden Birds, No. 4: The Long-tailed Tit (Aegithalos caudatus)'; Rosemary Lindsay: 'A Letter from Kent'; Alison Sparshatt: 'Winter Stillness'; Peter Dale: 'Green in a Time of Leaflessness'; Helena Attlee: 'More than Flowers: Sabina Ruber in her Growing Fields'; Charles Nelson: 'The Puzzling Puzzle Monkey'; Marta McDowell: 'It looks like it would take you by the hand': Willowwood Arboretum, New Jersey'; Katie Campbell: 'Cultivating the Goody Tree: The Rebirth of Corsica's Citron Industry'; Trevor Nottle: 'With All Things Considered: A One-Hundred-Year Tree Replacement Programme of Carrick Hill, Australia'; Tom Petherick: 'From the Home Patch'; Sam Llewellyn: 'Digging with the Duchess: Steiner v. Schopenhauer'; Book Review: Katie Campbell on The Well Gardened Mind: Rediscovering Nature in the Modern World by Sue Stuart-Smith; The Editor's Quarterly Book Bag: Hydrangeas: Beautiful Varieties for Home and Garden by Naomi Slade; Chrysanthemum by Twigs Way; Mulberry by Peter Coles; Royal Gardens of the World by Mark Lane; The Earth in Her Hands by Jennifer Jewell; Gardening Women: Their Stories from 1600 to the Present Day by Catherine Horwood; The World Encyclopedia of Trees by Tony Russell with Catherine Cutler and Martin Walters; The Almanac: A Seasonal Guide to 2021 by Lia Leendertz

HORTUS  137 (Spring 2021)  out of print

‘Tradescant’s Diary’: Hugh Johnson; Adam Ford: ‘Our Garden Birds, No. 5: Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes)’; Alison Sparshatt: ‘Phoenix’; Helena Attlee: ‘Doing Something with Their Hearts: Flowers at Stokesay Court, Shropshire’; Rosemary Lindsay: ‘Quirky Quercus: The Naming of the Lucombe Oaks’; Peter Dale: ‘Blue’; Kirsty Fergusson: ‘Balancing Act: A Private Garden in Brittany’; Dale Headington: ‘The Goddess and the Garden: Mona Bismarck at Il Fortino’; Amy Revell: ‘Letter from an Antipodean Garden’; Christin Geall: ‘On the Frontier: Finding Findhorn Faraway’; Tim Longville: ‘Small But Perfectly Formed: Darius Milhaud’s Tiny Catalogue of Flowers’; Tom Petherick: ‘From the Home Patch’; Sam Llewellyn: ‘Digging with the Duchess: Archaeology’; Book Reviews: Brandon C. Yen on On Psyche’s Lawn: The Gardens at Plaz Metaxu by Alasdair Forbes; Matt Collins on Windcliff: A Story of People, Plants and Gardens by Daniel J. Hinkley; E. Charles Nelson on Araucaria: The Monkey Puzzle by David Gedye; American Book Notes by Judith B. Tankard: Garden Secrets of Bunny Mellon by Linda Jane Holden; Uprooted: A Gardener Reflects on Beginning Again by Page Dickey; Spirit of Place: The Making of a New England Garden by Bill Noble; Garden Portraits: Experiences of Natural Beauty by photographer Larry Lederman; A Garden for All Seasons: Marjorie Merriweather Post’s Hillwood by Kate Markert; Gardens of the North Shore of Chicago by Benjamin F. Lenhardt Jr.; . Index to HORTUS issues 133–136 (2020). Front Cover: Bluebells in a Wood, wood engraving by Sue Scullard.

HORTUS  138 (Summer 2021)  out of print

‘Tradescant’s Diary’: Hugh Johnson; Adam Ford: ‘Our Garden Birds, No. 6: The Blackbird (Turdus merula)’; Peter Dale: ‘Black’; Francis Hamel: ‘At Home at Rousham’; Matt Collins: ‘Benton End Revisited. Part One: Sunlit Once Again’; Caspar Giorgio Williams: ‘The Education of a Walker’; Paula Deitz: ‘In Thibaut’s (Rosy) Footsteps’; Johanna Antonsson: ‘A Morning Stroll around a Swedish Coastal Garden’; Kirsty Fergusson: ‘ I Heard it Through the Grapevine’; Ann Uppington: ‘Hanna Rion and Her Wilderness Gardens’; Tom Petherick: ‘From the Home Patch’; Sam Llewellyn: ‘Digging with the Duches: The Old Ways’; Book Reviews: John Akeroyd on Pollination. The Enduring Relationship Betweem Plant and Pollinator by Timothy Walker; Rosemary Lindsay on Great Dixter Then & Now. Photographs by Christopher Lloyd and Carol Casselden, text by Fergus Garrett.

HORTUS  139 (Autumn 2021)

HORTUS 139 (Autumn 2021)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

‘Tradescant’s Diary’: Hugh Johnson; Adam Ford: ‘Our Garden Birds, No. 7: The Rook (Corvus frugilegus)’; Alison Sparshatt: ‘Rainbow’; Rosemary Lindsay: ‘From the Wilds of Asia to a London Garden: Species Tulips and a Rose or Two’; Peter Dale: ‘Our Garden Colours: Red’; E.Charles Nelson: ‘Tippitwitchet Cottage: A West Norfolk Garden, 1995-2020’; Angelica Gray: ‘Norman Conquest: The Neo-Futurist Garden Of Etretat’; Margy Fenwick: ‘Sabio in the Time of Covid’; Alejandro Saralegui: ‘Nine Months at Madoo’; Dale Headington: ‘An Englishwoman’s Garden: The Books and Gardens of Alvilde Lees-Milne’; Marta McDowell: ‘A Life in Plants: T.H. Everett (1903-86)’; Lorraine Harrison: ‘One Damned Thing After Another: An Experienced Gardener Tries Something New’; Emma Inglis: ‘In The Confessional’; Tom Petherick: ‘From the Home Patch’; Sam Llewellyn: ‘Digging with the Duchess: Box Blight’; The Editor’s Occasional Book Bag: Sissinghurst: The Dream Garden by Tim Richardson; The Garden: Elements and Styles by Toby Musgrave; Lilies: Beautiful Varieties for Home and Garden by Naomi Slade; Favourite Roses for Cutting by Victoria Martin; Lathyrus: The Complete Guide by Greg Kenicer and Roger Parsons; Colchicum: The Complete Guide by Christopher Grey-Wilson, Rod Leeds and Robert Rolfe.

HORTUS  140 (Winter 2021)

HORTUS 140 (Winter 2021)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Hortus 140 (Winter 2021)
‘Tradescant’s Diary’: Hugh Johnson; Adam Ford: ‘Our Garden Birds, No. 8: The House Sparrow (Passer domesticus); Alison Sparshatt: ‘Stirring Anticipation’; Peter Dale: ‘Our Garden Colours: Yellow’; Matt Collins: ‘Benton End Revisited. Part Two: Plants, Plants, Plants’; Katie Campbell: ‘Crossbones: From Pleasure Grounds to Memorial Garden. Not For The Squeamish’; Richard Moore: ‘Then and Now: The Gardens of the 1910 Japan-British Exhibition’; Kathryn Bradley-Hole: ‘The Canary Islands: Their Volcanoes and Flora’; Thomas Rutter: ‘Summer Wanderings in Spain’; Naman Chaudhary: ‘Once a Mali, Always a Mali’; Tim Longville: ‘Poverty & Plants: Gardens in Mary Mann’s Fiction’; Clark Lawrence: ‘This is for You, Louis. A Bull and Some Bullfrogs at La Macchina Fissa’; Tom Petherick: ‘From the Home Patch’; Sam Llewellyn: ‘Digging with the Duchess: Retaming’; Book Reviews: Katie Campbell on Tokachi Millenium Forest: Pioneering a New Way of Gardening with Nature by Dan Pearson; American Book Notes by Judith B. Tankard: Under Western Skies: Visionary Gardens from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Coast by Jennifer Jewell; Immersion: Living and Learning in an Olmsted Garden by Nola Anderson; The Adventures of a Narrative Gardener: Creating a Landscape of Memory by Ronald Lee Fleming; Rosa: The Story of the Rose by Peter E Kukielski with a foreword by Judith B Tankard; All About Flowers: James Vick’s Nineteenth-Century Seed Company by Thomas J Mickey.

HORTUS  141 (Spring 2022)

HORTUS 141 (Spring 2022)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

Hortus 141 (Spring 2022)
‘Tradescant’s Diary’: Hugh Johnson; Adam Ford: ‘Our Garden Birds, No. 9: The Swallo (Hirundo rustica); Alison Sparshatt: ‘Red Alert’; John Akeroyd: ‘The Glory of Bluebells’; Sukie Amory: ‘Trilliums: From Wake-robin to Stinking Willie’; Rod Madocks: ‘The Dreaming Earth: A Glimpse of a Writer’s Garden in Spring’; Tony Hufton: ‘Crowdourcing Snowdrops: Saintly Community Gardening in a Norwich Churchyard’; Peter Dale: ‘Our Garden Colours: Pink’; Marta McDowell: ‘Father of his Profession: Frederick Law Olmsted: A Two-Hundredth Anniversary Salute’; Naman Chaudhary: ‘Night and Day: Pai Bagh, a Garden near Delhi’; Charles Elliott: ‘Destruction’; Tom Petherick: ‘From the Home Patch’; Sam Llewellyn: ‘Digging with the Duchess: Glass’; Book Reviews: Sophie Piebenga on Gardens Under Big Skies: Reimagining Outdoor Space the Dutch Way by Noel Kingsbury; Tim Longville on In the Garden: Essays on Nature by various and Growing and Orwell’s Roses by Rebecca Solnit; . Index to HORTUS issues 137–140 (2021). Front Cover: Bluebells in a Favourtie Jug (oil on board by Andrew Douglas-Forbes, a Hortus commission).

HORTUS  142 (Summer 2022)

HORTUS 142 (Summer 2022)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

‘Tradescant’s Diary’: Hugh Johnson; Adam Ford: ‘Our Garden Birds, No. 10: The Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocarpus major)’; Alison Sparshatt: ‘Haptic Herbs’; Ambra Edwards: ‘Grounded and Content: Tom Coward at Gravetye Manor’; Katie Campbell: ‘Things Are Looking Up: New Roof Gardens in the City of London’; Catherine Beale: ‘In Pursuit of Individuality: Perrycroft, Herefordshire’; Peter Dale: ‘Our Garden Colours: Silver & Gold’; Charles Nelson: ‘Threnody for a Chestnut Tree: Shadow’s Indian Horse Chestnut’; Patricia Cleveland-Peck: ‘The Warden Pear’; Tom Petherick: ‘From the Home Patch’; Sam Llewellyn: ‘Digging with the Duchess: The Red Wall’; Book Reviews: John West on RHS Roses: An Inspirational Guide to Choosing and Growing the Best Roses by Michael Marriott; Patricia Cleveland-Peck on The Plant Hunter’s Atlas: A World Tour of Botanical Adventures, Chance Discoveries and Strange Specimens by Ambra Edwards; Tim Longville on English Garden Eccentrics: Three Hundred Years of Extraordinary Groves, Burrowings, Mountains and Menageries by Todd Longstaffe-Gowan; Katie Campbell on The Doctor’s Garden: Medicine, Science and Horticulture by Clare Hickman; Rosemary Lindsay on Lucian Freud Herbarium by Giovanni Aloi; The Editor’s Occasional Book Bag: The Tree Experts: A History of Professional Arboriculture in Britain by Mark Johnston; The Story of Trees and How They Changed the Way We Live by Kevin Hobbs and David West; A Tree a Day by Amy-Jane Beer; Lilacs: Beautiful Varieties for Home and Garden by Naomi Slade and photographer Georgianna Lane; The Eighth Wonder of the World (Exbury Gardens Ltd, 2021) by Lionel de Rothschild (b. 1955) and Francesca Murray Rowlins; Borde Hill Garden: A Plant Hunter’s Paradise by Vanessa Berridge; The View from Federal Twist subtitled as ‘A New Way of Thinking About Gardens, Nature and Ourselves’ by James Golden; Gardens in My Life by Arabella Lennox-Boyd; Plants & Us: How They Shape Human History and Society by John Akeroyd (with Donough O’Brien and Liz Cowley; The Jungle Garden subtitled as ‘Taking the Houseplant Look Outside’ by Philip Oostenbrink; Front Cover: Summer’s Violet Perfume by Catherine Hyde.

HORTUS  143 (Autumn 2022)

HORTUS 143 (Autumn 2022)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

‘Tradescant’s Diary’: Hugh Johnson; Adam Ford: ‘Our Garden Birds, No. 11: The European Goldfinch’; Alison Sparshatt: ‘Sky Fall’; Peter Dale: ‘Our Garden Colours: Purple, Violet & Mauve’; Rod Madocks: ‘In Search of the Miraculous: A Winter’s Garden in Autumn’; Jane Powers: ‘Despite the Wind…Despite the Rain…Some Gardens of South-West Ireland’; Patricia Cleveland-Peck: ‘Tall, Attractive, Remote, Dignified, Clever and possibly Shy: Eleanour Sinclair Rohde’; Dale Headington: ‘Before Ninfa: The English Duchess at Fogliano’; Katie Campbell: ‘Indeed Surreal: Salvador Dali’s Sacro Bosco’; Tony Hufton: ‘A Nice Dish of Apples: A Novice Tries his Luck Among the Gods’; Rosemary Lindsay: ‘Gone but not Forgotten: A few First-Class Recently-Departed Plant Nurseries’; Charles Elliott: ‘My Many Gardens’; Tom Petherick: ‘From the Home Patch’; Sam Llewellyn: ‘Digging with the Duchess: Rattling On’; Book Reviews: Charles Nelson on Charles Frederick Ball: From Dublin’s Botanic Gardens to the Killing Fields of Gallipoli by Brian Willan; Naman Chaudhary on Constance Villiers Stuart: In Pursuit of Paradise by Mary Ann Price. The Editor’s Occasional Book Bag: RHS Garden Bridgewater: The Making of a Garden by Phil McCann; The Seasonal Gardener by Anna Pavord; Around the World in 80 Plants by Jonathan Drori; Modern Japanese Ikebana: Elegant Flower Arrangements for Your Home by Shinichi Nagatsuka. Front Cover: Blackberry Wine by Jackie Morris (watercolour and gold leaf, a Hortus commission).

HORTUS  144 (Winter 2022)

HORTUS 144 (Winter 2022)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

‘Tradescant’s Diary’: Hugh Johnson; Adam Ford: ‘Our Garden Birds, No. 12: The Jackdaw; Alison Sparshatt: ‘Coda’; Marion Mako: ‘It’s All About the Views: Arts & Crafts Houses and Gardens of the English Lake District’; Rod Madocks: ‘The Surviving Heart: A Writer’s Garden in Winter’; Patricia Cleveland-Peck: ‘Bougainvillea’s Hidden Story’; Peter Dale: ‘Our Garden Colours: Ochre & Orange’; Charles Nelson: ‘Disdainment of Dandelions’; Caspar Giorgio Williams: ‘Between the Venetian Laguna and Heaven: Il Giardino di Palazzo Soranzo Cappello, Venice’; Martin Leigh: ‘Gardening Drreams’; John West: ‘A Garden of Memories – and Roses’; Trevor Nottle: ‘In the Rear-View Mirror: A Short History of Gardening in Australia’; Charles Elliott: ‘Ruskin and Proserpina’; Tom Petherick: ‘From the Home Patch’; Sam Llewellyn: ‘Digging with the Duchess: Digging for Victory’; Book Reviews: Catherine Beale on The Ornamental Wilderness in the English Garden by James Bartos; Sukie Amory on The View From Federal Twist: A New Way of Thinking About Gardens, Nature and Ourselves by James Golden.

HORTUS  145 (Spring 2023)  out of print

‘Tradescant’s Diary’: Hugh Johnson; Adam Ford: ‘Our Garden Birds, No. 13: The Spotted Flycatcher’; Matt Collins: ‘The Making of a Dry Garden’; Trevor Nicholson: ‘Transformation: John Sales and the Himalayan Garden at Harewood’; Rod Madocks: ‘White Fritillary: The Fulcrum in Spring’; Thomas Rutter:’ Walking a Tuscan Forest in Spring’; Charles Hulbert-Powell: ‘Diversely Useful, Decorative and Highly Desirable: The Black Walnut’; Peter Dale: ‘Making Sense of a Garden, 1: Sound’; Dale Headington: ‘Indications of Spring: And Other Thoughts in a Garden’; Tom Petherick: ‘From the Home Patch’; Sam Llewelllyn: ‘Digging with the Duchess: Tree Surgery’; Book Reviews: Peter Parker on Versed in Living Nature: Wordsworth’s Trees by Peter Dale and Brandon C. Yen; Catherine Beale on Mounton House: The Birth and Rebirth of an Edwardian Country House by Helena Gerrish; Christopher Woodward on Rescue and Revival: New York Botanical Garden 1989-2018 by Gregory Long; Index to HORTUS issues 141–144 (2022). Front Cover: Spring! Wood engraving by Phoebe Connolly.

HORTUS  146 (Summer 2023)  out of print

‘Tradescant’s Diary’: Hugh Johnson; Adam Ford: ‘Our Garden Birds, No. 14: The Chaffinch; Catherine Beale: ‘Top Tippng: High Glanau, Monmouthshire’; Katie Campbell: ‘All Power to the Garden: Battersea Power Station Park’; Rod Madocks: ‘Summer Like a Stranger Comes: A Writer’s Garden in the Warm Season’; Claire Margetts: ‘An Uprising in Colour: From Sissinghurst to Giverny – And Back Again’; Angelica Gray: ‘Granny and the Curé: The Other French Garden Style’; Rosie Irving and Michael Marriott: ‘Jottings from Joshua: Joshua Tree National Park’; Patricia Cleveland-Peck: ‘The Garden of The Moon: Jo-juin, Kyoto, Japan’; Peter Dale: ‘Making Sense of a Garden. II: Scent’; Sukie Amory: ‘From Orphan to Leading Light: Mountain Mint’; Clark Lawrence: ‘An Italian Garden: and that English Word’; Andrew Douglas-Forbes: ‘From the Cover-Artist’s Garden Sketchbook’; Tom Petherick: ‘From the (New) Home Patch’; Sam Llewellyn: ‘Digging with the Duchess: Psychohomeopathy’; Book Reviews: John Akeroyd on Wild Edens: The History and Habitat of Our Most-Loved Garden Plants by Toby Musgrave and Chris Gardner; Rosemary Lindsay on The Grove: A Nature Odyssey in 19 1/2 Front Gardens by Ben Dark; Front Cover: Queen of Sweden rose in a Swansea Jug by Andrew Douglas-Forbes. A HORTUS commission.

HORTUS  147 (Autumn 2023)

HORTUS 147 (Autumn 2023)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

‘Tradescant’s Diary’: Hugh Johnson; Adam Ford: ‘Our Garden Birds, No 15: The Tawny Owl; Trevor Nicholson: ‘East Comes West: Woody Asiatic Plants at Harewood’s Himalayan Garden’; Malcolm Allison: ‘A Rich Tradition: A Spotlight on Chrysanthemums – Again’; Ben Probert: ‘In Praise of Older Plants: Cherished Familiars Not Forgotten’; Naoko Abe: ‘The Matsumae Cherry Blossoms: The World’s Foremost Cherry Creator’; Angelica Gray: ‘Granny and the Curé: The Other French Garden Style. Part II’; Paul Crask: ‘Not Just Flowers: Rediscovering the Island Gardens of Dominica’; Naman Chaudhary: ‘The Flowers of the Moon: The Night Garden of Northern India’; Peter Dale: ‘Making Sense of a Garden. III. Touch’; Rod Madocks: ‘The Seventh Sense: Ghosts in the Autumn Garden’; Tom Petherick: ‘From the (New) Home Patch’; Sam Llewellyn: ‘Digging with the Duchess: Governance’; Book Reviews: Katie Campbell on Why Women Grow: Stories of Soil, Sisterhood and Survival by Alice Vincent; Charles Nelson on A Fenland Garden. Creating a Haven for People, Plants and Wildlife by Francis Pryor; John Akeroyd on What We Sow: On the Personal, Ecological and Cultural History of Seeds by Jennifer Jewell; Rosemary Lindsay on A Garden From a Hundred Packets of Seed by James Fenton; Front Cover: Hawthorn. Egg tempera on birch panel by Lil Tudor-Craig.

HORTUS  148 (Winter 2023)  out of print

'Tradescant’s Diary’: Hugh Johnson; Adam Ford: ‘Our Garden Birds, No 16: The Goldcrest’; Sukie Amory, Kathryn Bradley-Hole, Kirsty Fergusson, Lorraine Harrison, Christopher Hutt, Rosemary Lindsay, Michael Marriott, Richard Moore, Jane Powers, Thomas Rutter: ‘A Day in My Garden in Winter’; Matt Collins: ‘No More Amelanchiers, Please: Seeking a Rival to the Perfect Small Garden’; Martin Leigh: ‘Drilled Polish: John Massey and the People Who Made Ashwood Nurseries’; Tony Hufton: ‘Beyond the Box Moth’; Rod Madocks: ‘Celebrating the Ruins: Shape and Space in the Winter Garden’; Adam Heppinstall: ‘Celestial Repose or Hard Labour? A Gardener’s Leap of Faith in the Dordogne’; Peter Dale: ‘Making Sense of a Garden. IV: Taste’; Barbara Paca: ‘Green Clothes the Earth in Tranquillity: Frank Walter’; Tom Petherick: ‘From the (New) Home Patch’; Sam Llewellyn: ‘Digging with the Duchess: Sculpture Conscious’; Book Review: John Akeroyd on Medlars: Growing and Cooking by Jane Steward; Front Cover: Hellebores by David Suff.

HORTUS  149 (Spring 2024)

HORTUS 149 (Spring 2024)

Price (not including postage) £10.50

‘Tradescant’s Diary’: Hugh Johnson; Adam Ford: ‘Our Garden Birds, No 16: The Pied Wagtail; Lilee Cathcart: ‘A Green Field in My Heart’; Ben Probert: ‘Revolution’; Richard Claxton: ‘The Bricks of Sissinghurst’; Adam Heppinstall: ‘Jardinage de Noel’; Judith B Tankard: ‘Personal Memories of Munstead Wood’; Patricia Cleveland-Peck: ‘By Plants United: Jean Rasmussen, Plant Hunter’; Naman Chaudhary: ‘A Garden of Desire: Horticulture in the Kamasutra’; Marta McDowell: ‘Mean Green Mother from Outer Space: Plants and Gardens in Science Fiction; Tom Petherick: ‘From the Home Patch’; Sam Llewellyn: ‘Digging with the Duchess: Pond Life’; Book Reviews: Catherine Beale on England’s Gardens: A Modern History by Stephen Parker; Brent Elliott on Conversations in Garden History: New Research, New Ideas, New Approaches edited by Pippa Potts (London, Birkbeck Garden History Group); Patrick Bogue on Napoleon: A Life in Gardens and Shadows by Ruth Scurr; Becky Tipper on Botanical Short Stories: Contemporary Writing About Plants and Flowers edited by Emma Timpamy (The History Press); The Editor’s Occasional Book Bag: To Stand and Stare: How to Garden While Doing Next to Nothing by Anthony Timothy O’Brien; The Essential Tree Selection Guide by Henrik Sjöman and Arit Anderson; Arboretum by Tony Kirkham and illustrated by Katie Scott; Rare Trees: The Fascinating Stories of the World’s Most Threatened Species by Sara Oldfield and Malin Rivers; Uprooting by Marchelle Farrell; The Star-Nosed Mole by Isabel Bannerman; ; Index to HORTUS issues 145–148 (2023). Front Cover: Hyacinth and Hellebore in Yellow Jug, Oil on Panel by Emily Patrick.


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